Chapter 20

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This fanfiction began last year when I wanted to find a way to escape some things that happened after Covid struck. After reading the Pegasus and Percy Jackson series I became obsessed with mythology, Greek mythology in particular, and wanted to write a story about these wonderful characters. For years I've wanted to write, but never had the courage to do so because of others telling me I wasn't good enough. It is because of Wattpad and the people on here that I've been able to achieve my dream and be confident of myself. Thank you so much for all of your support, whether it's from commenting, voting, or even just reading the first chapter. Now that we've come to the 20th chapter I just wanted to thank you all.

I particularly want to say a big thank you to Kohana, the person who's account was named after and the one who had to painstakingly edit this (My English is frankly horrible).

Hanako x

Emily's POV:

Well that was annoying. I think my fingers hurt from all that finger clicking. I still don't understand how clicking can make mortals so obedient. Mortals. It's weird. Only a year ago, I was a mortal. The only thing I worried about was getting good grades and passing middle school. Not this. Not trying to stay alive, not protecting an immortal race and not having my DNA rewired.

That's just depressing. I'm not even 15 and yet a heck load of people depend on me to not lose their powers and die. But then there were many girls before me, many Flames. None of them were taken to Olympus, so why was I the first one? Then the answer came to me: I was only needed because the Olympians were dying.

The Temple of the Flame had been overrun and destroyed by the Nirads when they were under the Gorgons' rule. I was only needed to sacrifice myself to save the Olympians. The thought filled me with anger. If they hadn't attacked then I would be in New York, a miserable, grieving mortal. In some ways I am so grateful that Pegs had fallen onto my roof. I had met the people I had read about, made so many friends and – 'But didn't Joel and Paelen abandon you?' A small voice in my head whispered.

I tried to ignore the thought but my mind had other ideas. I felt myself grow angry, my palms heating up quickly. Was my appearance that important? Joel said he loved me. Some sort of love if it takes one small change to reverse your feelings? I cared as much as I had before and after Joel received his metal arm. 'But that was just an arm,' the voice whispered again. 'You changed your whole appearance."

Leo's POV:

Emily and Piper came back as I was just about to go out. Emily looked troubled whereas Piper had a confused look on her face. Piper motioned for the rest of the seven to follow her. Cameron looked up and glanced at Emily through the corner of his eyes. Emily shook her head slightly before jumping up the stairs to her room. Huh. Weird.

Well then again what wasn't weird and wonderful about Emily Jacobs? From her mysterious appearance to her curious behaviour, she had me blushing to the roots of my hair. What am I saying, you might ask? I don't know. I was always the seventh wheel, the loner. Percy had Annabeth, the golden couple of Camp, Jason had Piper and Hazel and Frank were like two adorable panda bears together.

Emily was the first person to make me feel, how do I describe it? She made me feel happy in a way I never felt, and so so eager to please her. Was this the Fates way of saying 'Sorry for ruining your life and nearly killing you once or twice'? I don't know. All I know is that Emily Jacobs is important.

Paelen's POV (bet you weren't expecting that):

What have I done? Emily was gone, Olympus was in an uproar and all of this was my fault. If I hadn't been so stupid and agreed to take Lorin to the silver beach, non of this wouldn't have happened.

I'll admit it, when Emily chose Joel over me, I was so, so jealous. How did Joel get everything and I was the charming third wheeler? Then Lorin appeared and she chose me, the thief and the forgotten one of the Heroes of Olympus trio.

Part of me disliked Emily after she and Joel got together, and the other part of me hated myself for thinking like that. It had been Emily that had first seen me as a person, rather than a thief. It was her that convinced the other Olympians likewise. And we had all discarded her like an old tool.

Another part of me was mad at Joel. I thought that after all we had been through together, nothing could come between him and Emily. I thought it was the inside that counted, not what you looked like. But as soon as Emily inherited Diana's genes, his feelings changed completely.

I had cornered him one late afternoon, whilst Emily was training with Diana. He had confessed that he didn't like Emily the same way, that some changes were too big to accept. A mix of anguish and anger boiled in the pit of my stomach. Many of the things Joel had told me were the things I had told myself, and I hated myself for it.

Had all of the Olympians thought the same things that I was thinking? For all I knew there was only a small percentage of people who were actively looking for Emily: Diana, Tom, Alexis, the Night-Dwellers and Steve.

Gods of Olympus, Steve. Since Emily left he refused to look at any of the Olympian Council except for Diana. He never looked at me or Joel in the eye and trapped himself in his apartment, locked in grief.

I had to fix this somehow.

Jason's POV:

This Emily was confusing me more and more. How had she supposedly fallen from the sky and still survived. She said that she wasn't a demigod, that she knew both of her parents. Well one of them was dead according to Percy. Maybe she was a demi-titan, or a demi-primordial? Had her dead parent secretly been an immortal?

She gave off a weird, powerful aura. Like she was super powerful and lost it all. No matter how many different possibilities I tried to think up of, the only conclusion I kept coming back to me was: goddess. Had she been previously a minor goddess, then turned into a mortal by Zeus? Could she have been stripped of her power and her memories?

And then there was Cameron, with his mysterious appearance, trying to find Emily. I felt like there was a layer of Mist surrounding him, but however hard I tried, I couldn't see through it. Sometimes when I turned quickly to look at Cameron, I saw a flash of feathers. As soon as I looked again, they were gone.

What was Emily and Cameron's motives? They didn't seem against us, but looks can be deceiving. Were they secretly plotting to overthrow the Gods, just like Luke was trying to do. Were they spies for Luke, or should I say Kronos?

All I knew is that we couldn't do this on our own. The Seven had to talk to the Gods.

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