the blonde girls eyes flutter open to the sound of talking, looking to her side she sees the brunette girl concentrating on the tv.
" tara " aurora croaks out, the need for water making her annoyed.
" holy shit your awake " tara says with a suprised expression " they said you wouldn't wake up for another day. "
the girl only smiles in return, flashbacks rushing through her head.
" aura i know you probably don't want to talk about it but if you want to im here okay? " the smaller girl says sincerely.
" okay tar " the girl says sending her a sweet smile.
suddenly the sound of a grunt and thud echos down the hallway, making both girls immediately turn to look at where the sound came from.
" what the fuck was that? " tara says slowly.
the blondes breathing increased rapidly
" hey hey it's okay it's probably nothing. " tara says comforting the girl, aurora could only nod in return the terror leaving her silent.
" hello? " tara says loudly.
" fuck this, i'm going to look at what the noise was! " the brunette says confidently.
" tara don't. " the blonde says concerned.
" if we don't look then we won't find out " tara replies.
" this is what everyone does in a horror film and it's stupid, and they always die and tara i don't want to die! " aurora says whilst raising her voice slightly.
tara ignores the girls complaints and continues to take her tubes connected to her body out, and starts to wiggle into her wheelchair.
aurora sobs quietly, and decides to try and get into her wheelchair.
all that could be heard from the room was sobs and grunts from the pain the girls were feeling.