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𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯 :
dewey was dead.
i couldn't even feel emotion i was numb, i have just lost two of the most important people in my life in just a day.
tears weren't even falling, my lip wasn't trembling, i wasn't sobbing i was just there.
i started at the marble hospital floor that was in the reception, i sat next to gale who was also in a state of shock.
" aurora. " gale says calmly.
at the sudden noise my head snaps to her giving her a slow nod, i felt if i said any words i would immediately break down.
" i just want you to know that it gets better. i promise. " the dark haired women says whilst reaching her hand out to clasp mine.
" how can it get better, i've lost both of them. " i say the tears threatening to spill.
before gale can reply sam carpenter comes over and interrupts.
" i'm sorry. " sam says confidently.
" i didn't know him well, but.. he helped me. " the girl continues.
" that's what he did. he helped people. " gale sniffs.
".... i should've stopped me. "
" if you had, my sister would be dead. " sam says with zero emotion, and that was what made me snap.
" sam not everything is about you and tara okay. i love tara and she is my best friend but i have lost two of the most important people today and it's because of you. so stop it your being so selfish. " i say with tears spilling down my face.
sam looks at me with a face full of shock but we were interrupted from the nurse.
" samantha, your sisters awake. "
when those words were said sam walked off and didn't even look back.
me and gale look at eachother both having a silent agreement that what i said was true.
" aura, gale. " a voice was heard behind me.
i turn around to see, Sidney prescott.
" mom! " i say and i limp over to her and hug her the tears spilling from my eyes.
" sidney. " gale says in shock.
i remove my arms from around her and clasp her hand with my own.
" i came as soon as i heard. " Sidney says a sence of sadness washed over her face.
gale gets up from the grey sofa and embraces my mom both sharing a couple of sorrys.
" you shouldn't be here. " gale says sniffing slightly.