Bad news

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Doctor came into the room and said

"There's a bad news for you"

"What?" Shelly asked.

"Your father is dead. The piece of glass crossed his heart. He couldn't survive" said the doctor and leaves the room.

"No!" Said Shelly crying bitterly.

After an hour Shelly with Luna went to meet Jenny. They went into the room.

"Mom!" Said Shelly.

Jenny opened her eyes.

"Shelly! Are you alright!" Said Jenny in a low voice.

"Yes mom I'm alright but........." Said Shelly.

"What do you want to say ?" Said Jenny.

"Mom! Dad he is dead " said Shelly and tears rolled down her face.

"No! How it happened?" Said Jenny crying.

Shelly told her everything.
A sudden the door opened and a tall man entered in the room.

"Hello. I'm detective Scott" said Scott.

"Hello I'm luna. I had called you" said luna.

"Ok, Tell me what happened? "Said Scott.

" Shelly will tell you about that as it was happened with her"said Luna.

"Hello sir. I'm Shelly and this is my mother Jenny." Said Shelly.

"Ok now tell me what happened" said Scott.

Shelly told him everything.

"What? Ghosts? Are you mad how can you see a ghost it's just in tales." Said Scott.

"No, sir I had seen. A ghost of a little boy and her mother" said Shelly.

Scott at first didn't believe her. But when she said that again and again. So he was forced to think about that Ghosts.

"Ok, let's go to your house" said Scott.

"Ok " said Shelly. But in her mind she was not willing to go there again but to prove herself she have to go.

"Can I also come with you" said Luna

"Ok" said Scott.

Scott took out his car and they all went to Shelly's house.

"There is it" said Shelly pointing out of the window.

Scott parked the car and they moved towards the main door. They entered the house. The lights started flickering.

Scott ignored it and went towards the basement. When he was about to open the door. A sudden he heard some noise upstairs.

"Is there someone else living here with you" said Scott.

"No" said Shelly.

"Follow me" said Scott and took out his gun.

They went upstairs. The noise was coming from Shelly's room. Luna and Scott went into the room but there was no one. Shelly stood out of the room and she again saw the little boy who was staring him. He was standing at the end of the corridor.
He was holding a knife. A sudden he started cutting his mouth from left and then from right to make a  smile. Her face was looking more creepy now. Shelly screamed again after seeing that.

"What happened Shelly?"said Luna.

"That boy. I saw him again"said Shelly.

A sudden they heard knocking........

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