Bad day

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when they reached the hospital Shelly went to meet Luna. She opened the door and saw a man wearing a black coat and a hat.

"Hello, who are you," said Shelly.

He turned.

"I'm Luna's father and I think you're Shelly," said Luna's father.

"Yes, I'm Shelly's uncle," said Shelly.

"How this happened to Luna," said Luna's father

Shelly told him all the story.

"If you know about the Ghost then why you are not leaving the house" said Luna's father.

"We tried to leave but every time something happens we again have to go to that house," said Shelly.

"Where you live," said Luna's father.

When Shelly told her address to him. A sudden Luna's father becomes tensed and his face gets covered with sweat. While the AC is turned on.

"Are you okay uncle?" Said Shelly.

"Y....... Yes..." Said Luna's father and left the room in a hurry.

Shelly sat near Luna and held her hand.

"I'm sorry for this Luna. It's all my fault" said Shelly and started crying silently.

After a few minutes, Detective Max entered the room.

"Shelly!" Said Max.

"Yes sir," said Shelly.

"Scott is calling you. He wants to talk about that basement" said Max.

"Ok let's go," said Shelly.

They went to Scott. He was looking better now.

"Are you fine sir?" said Shelly

"Yes," said Scott

"You wanted to talk about that basement sir," said Shelly.

"Yes. See we have to go to the basement once again to see what's behind that door in the basement. I had some lockets of crucifix which are enchanted by a priest." Said, Scott

"Ok sir," said Shelly

After 2 days

Jenny, Shelly, Scott, and Max went to Shelly's house. Then they moved inside and moved towards the basement. They went inside the basement and wore their lockets. They moved forward in the basement.

"There are the stairs be careful," said Scott.

"Ok," said Shelly.

They went downstairs.

"There that is the door," said Scott pointing towards the right.

They went towards the door and stood in front of it.

"Now it is the time to discover the secret of the basement," said Shelly.

When they were about to open the door. All the things around them started floating in the air. They turned and saw the boy hanging upside down. His eyes were completely black. Blood was coming out of his mouth. And the black shadow head was staring at them from the stairs. Shelly screamed after seeing the horrible scene.

"You will die " the boy screamed and disappeared.

They immediately opened the door and there was ...........

Here is the next part. I hope you will like this and thank you all for your votes and views

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