The End

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When they moved upstairs. They saw the black shadow standing in front of the door half opened they moved forward

"Don't be afraid. We have our lockets" said Scott.

"O....ok" said Shelly in frightened voice.

The black shadow threw a knife towards them. The knife didn't hit anyone but cutted the thread of the locket worn by Max. Then the black shadow opened the full door of the basement. There was no one. Max bent to pick up the locket. But a sudden the boy jumped from outside towards Max and took him along in the basement. He couldn't picked that locket in time.

"Max! "Scott screamed.

They heard the scream of Max from the Basement downstairs. They rushed downstairs and saw that max was lying on floor his arms and legs were twisted badly and a knife was stabbed on his head brutally. Shelly screamed on seeing that horrible scene and again fainted. They took him outside and threw some water on her face. She gained conciousness.

"Let's leave this house please. As soon as possible." Said Shelly.

"Ok.. please calm down" said Jenny.

" We have to destroy the wood first" said Scott and put his hand in his pocket but the wood was not there.

"I think the wood is dropped in the basement" said Scott.

"Oh, No! Now what we will do" said Shelly.

"Wait, I will went in the basement again to find the wood" said Scott and turned.

"See it is there near the door. I don't have to go inside" said Scott.

When Scott Bent down to pick up that wood. But a sudden the wood moved inside the basement on it's own. He went inside and saw the log near the stairs he again tried to pick it up but it fell down the stairs.

"I know you're doing this "said Scott and went downstairs.

He picked up the wood and moved upstairs. When he was coming towards the door. He said to Jenny.

"Take a lighter and some oil to burn this wood"

Jenny immediately gathered all the things. Scott stood in front of the basement's door.

He put log down on the ground and spilled some oil on it. Then a sudden they heard a very loud scream. But they continued their work. Jenny took the lighter in her hands and when he was about to burn that wood. A very large piece of glass throwed from the basement get across Scott's body. He cried in pain and blood came out of his mouth. He fell on the ground. Jenny moved towards him to help him.

"Burn it...... fast. Don't worry ........about me.  " these were the last words of Scott and after saying this he died.

Jenny immediately burn the wood. A sudden the boy came out from the basement screamed loudly, his body was also burning.

On the other side, she heard the scream of the black shadow who was also burning. Jenny and Shelly ran out of the house. After that incident they shifted to some other colony far away from that house. The dead bodies were handed to police.

They could never forgot the sacrifices of the detectives and James.


The end of the story is here. I will write another story soon. Till then vote comment and follow

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