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My name is Muon Seishin.

And...I'm an ordinary girl.

Well... as ordinary as 'being half-possessed by a ghost' is.

I'm half-Asian, half-British. I was born on October 31st, in a small house off the countryside in England. Later, my parents moved to an apartment somewhere in the urban area of London.

I was born an ordinary girl. A simple girl with a brain much smarter then her seniors, and with greater wisdom than jocks who steal lunch-money from nerds. My sister calls me a goth, a nerd, a freak, among many other things. However, I do not pay heed to such nonsense words as they do not describe me as a whole. They only belittle my personality compared to my sister's particularly 'cheery' mood.

You see, my older sister considers herself a 'normal' person. She didn't skip grades, she got average grades, she had average hobbies, average skills in most sports and liked ice-skating (a normal hobby). I'd skipped two grades, got top-notch marks , didn't have any hobby except reading and (rarely) music and had higher-than-average ice-skating.

Yes, that was one trait we both share. Due to our short heights yet slim bodies, we sisters are equally able to rival national level skaters easily. However, neither of us want to work with the other, so our potential is sadly wasted.

Enough about my family now. Let's talk about why I'm here.

When I was eight, I was walking home from the park. The park was about a kilometer away from my home, so walking there was no big deal. However, that day was when my entire life changed.

So I was walking home. I looked no different than I am now; same pale skin, same short black hair. Except then, my eyes were a much lighter blue. Both of them.

I don't remember the incident clearly. Someone told me that I'd gotten hit by a car. The thing had came from nowhere, swerving from a corner to my small body. It hadn't got time to break, and everything went dark for me.

Next, I was saved. And please don't laugh when I tell you by who.

A spirit. Yes. I'm not kidding.

A spirit with special powers possessed my unconscious body, pulled myself out of the wreckage and healed myself. Then I went home as if nothing happened.

When I came to, I realized a ghost was standing above me. I freaked out liked a normal person (obviously). Then I calmed down in a record time of two seconds without making my family think I'm going crazy while eating dinner. After dinner, I'd went to my room and the ghost gave me and entire explanation of the series of events that happened while I was unconscious.

Apparently, the spirit introduced herself as 'Saya'. Weird name. She told about how she was a 1000 or something old year ghost, with 'psychic' powers. Some 'holy' christian people had burned her for the false beliefs of being a witch. But she didn't die die; her mortal body remained intact, but her soul remained on Earth. She'd been wandering the world for more than 1000 years in total and complete boredom. I wasn't the first person who died in front of her eyes. However, I was the first child who almost died without even doing anything. It reminded her of how she'd died, and didn't want me to face the same fate as her.

So yes, since she was a psychic, I also inherited her psychic powers. Now here comes the interesting bit.

Saya had never, in her entire ghost-time, possessed someone before. I was the first. And the unfortunate. She couldn't pull out her entire essence out of me, leaving me with all of me and half of Saya. The other half of her couldn't go too far from me, otherwise she'd be pulled like a magnet back into my body. My body was too small to hold two spirits in one body, so half would have to do.

The half of Saya in my body gave me a violet-pink eye and most of her psychic powers. They weren't as powerful as they should've been as Saya was literally cut in half. The other half of her body (the one that followed me around like a guardian spirit) was also having half her powers.

I didn't really care about my powers. My family eventually found out (how can an eight-year old hide one eye being a completely different color with a reasonable excuse?), and my sister somehow found these earrings that controlled my powers to a strong extent. It was a relief to not wake up to voices of the people in my vicinity in my mind.

Saya guided me on how to control these powers. She literally had 1000 and more years of experience with the powers, and sixteen living years with hiding them.

My personality turned more...emo, as my sister says. I didn't talk to many people, didn't associate much, didn't talk a lot in fear that they'd find out about me and think I'm weird. I don't want that. I'd like it much more if they stay a fool to my 'special' quirks.

Coming back to me right now, at age fifteen, going to Japan as a transfer student. Yes, this is about my present age.

How is a fifteen year old going to a twelfth grade class, you wonder?

Actually, I didn't bother hiding my intelligence. I held back an appropriate amount, but I still skipped third and fourth grade. Leave it to me to pass high school before turning sixteen...

So here I am right now, sitting at a desk in the back corner of the room, fiddling with a pen. I was in such boredom, I actually felt I was going to fall asleep. There was no need to listen to the class. I'd already read the entirety of the textbook the teacher was teaching with with my photographic memory during the flight here.

One thing I noticed pretty easily...almost everyone here has bizarre hair.

I mean, people here have pink, blue, silver, lime and I saw some guy in another class having purple hair. It's gotten normal for people to have different hair colors, but Japan has...too many hair colors. It makes me slightly uneasy to have normal, plain jet-black hair in such a colorful haired country.

Then again, I have a literal pink eye, so can't be called totally normal...

Class ends (finally) and I need to go to the cafeteria to eat. Except...I don't know where the cafeteria is...

Wait, we can eat in the class too, right?

Won't risk it...besides, I don't have a bento-

"Hey, you're Seishin-san, right?" A girl came up to me. I raised her head from her table to see a girl with dark blue hair and pretty blue eyes, hopefully looking at me. "It looks like you need help in getting to the cafeteria, can I help?"

I stared at her for a second. A glowing aura was somehow enveloping her, and boys all around her were saying 'Oh!' as they passed by. I didn't dwell on that. I really wanted to deny her request and see her deadpanned face to expose her, but I also did need to go to the cafeteria to eat.

In the end, I chose food over pleasure.

I nodded, got up and started walking with the girl to the cafeteria via the hallway. She was talking to me about the school, the classes and the people in her class that she should meet, along with her friends and the many other people she droned on about. I only half-listened and nodded. I was too busy in memorizing the routes of the school and potential alone spots when we finally entered the cafeteria.

The girl's apparently Teruhashi Kokomi. The entire boys section in the school were total simps for her. A few girls even admired her. I understand why she has many friends...

Timeskip to me peacefully eating with Teruhashi's school friends. They're all girls. A brown-haired foodie introduced herself as Mera and a short light brown-haired girl as Chiyo. The three kept on droning on about school, pretending as if I were the wind. I'm used to this kind of treatment, so I'm not offended. I actually prefer it more.

As I munched on some shrimp, I saw the pink-haired guy from earlier and stared at him peculiarly. 'Does that guy have antenna and green glasses? Is this a new fashion or something? ' I thought. Seriously, how many times in your day do you pass by a guy wearing antennae on his or her head??

{Well...A t least it's not something weird like wires...}


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