Chapter 2

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After the unexpected concert at the bar, the days that followed were filled with sweet excitement. Sitting on the couch in your modest apartment with a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of you, you thought about the unexpected meeting with Taylor Swift before you went to class. The notes of the guitar still resonated in your mind, accompanied by the words she had sung with so much emotions.

The fact that you're thinking about it made you think that she gave you a little piece of paper with her phone number. You felt stupid to have forgotten to send her a message, this evening was already 5 days ago and you were afraid that Taylor did not remember you.

After spending a lot of time thinking of it, you sent: "Hi, it's y/n... I'm sorry I didn't sent anything earlier, I completely forgot I had your number. I hope that you're not mad at me and  that you're fine :)".

You turn off your phone and walk into your living room trying to think of anything else. After 15 minutes of waiting, there was still no answer. You think that finally, it would be better to delete your message, Taylor is famous and surely does'nt have time for you...

When you were going to delete the message, a notification catches your attention. It was her. She had answered... By reading her message you felt relief, with a smile on your face, you read this message at least 5 times before imagining your future answer.

She had written you: "Hi y/n, happy to talk to you, finally ! I started to think that you did'nt want to talk to me anymore haha! I'm fine now, what about you ?" You didn't know what to say, you were trying to find inspiration, but nothing...

Your concentration was interrupted by a notification on your phone. A message from Taylor. "I loved chatting with you the other night. Would you like to meet in a cafe ?"

Your heart racing as you read her words, and this time you quickly replied : "Absolutely! I would love to. When would it suit you ?"

The answer soon arrived. "How about Saturday afternoon? There's a nice cafe on the main street side. We can meet there around 3 PM ?"

You accepted with enthusiasm and felt the excitement rise in you.

Saturday afternoon arrived quickly, so you found yourself sitting at a table near the coffee window, watching the time with impatience. And then Taylor came in with a warm smile that melted your anxiety. Your eyes met and never really left each other.

Taylor: "Hi! I am so glad to see you again," she said as she sat across from you.

Y/n: "The pleasure is shared," you replied, a shy smile stretching your lips.

The lively conversations followed one another, and soon the café became the witness of your laughter and your complicit exchanges. The light words alternated with deeper discussions, creating a harmony between you that seemed to grow at every moment.

Taylor took a sip of his tea and looked at you with curiosity.

Taylor: "I feel like we're more alike than I ever imagined."

Y/n: "I feel the same," you admit. "It's rare to meet someone you can so easily share your thoughts and experiences with."

She nodded with sparkling eyes, "I guess that's what makes our conversations so special."

You continue to talk about your travels, experiences and aspirations. Taylor shared anecdotes about her musical career, and you were fascinated by the backstage of her world. With every word she spoke, you felt closer and closer to her, as if your souls were discovering each other.

Taylor: "You know," she began in a soft voice, "I always thought music was a universal language. And I think that's what connect us"

You noded with conviction.

Y/n: "That's right. There's something incredibly powerful about how music can express emotions that words cannot always translate."

Taylor looked at your eyes and smiled, "I'm glad I found someone who understands that."

The evening was coming to an end, and you had to go home, but the hope of seeing you again soon remained. Taylor stood up with a radiant smile: "I'm really glad we could spend this time together. I can't wait to see you again."

Y/n: "Me too," you simply replied before your eyes met one last time when she crossed the door of the cafe. Your eyes had gone through her body seeing her going home.

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