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Russia x America

America was not like other countries. He had a secret that he kept hidden from everyone, even his own family. He had heterochromia, a condition that made his eyes different colors. His right eye was blue, like his father's, and his left eye was red, like his mother's. He hated his eyes, and he hated himself for having them. He thought they made him a freak, a mistake, a failure. He always wore sunglasses to cover them up, even indoors and at night. He never let anyone see his true self.

He also had a rebellious streak that often got him into trouble. He hated his parents, especially his father, UK, who was strict and cold. He always tried to defy him and do the opposite of what he wanted. He hated his name, too. America. It sounded so arrogant and pompous. He preferred to go by his nickname, Ame, which he thought was more cool and casual.

He lived with his two brothers, Canada and Australia, his younger sister, New Zealand, and his parents in a big house in London. His brothers were nice enough, but they were too quiet and boring for his taste. His sister was cute and cheerful, but she was too young and naive for him to relate to. His parents were always busy and distant, and they rarely paid attention to him or his siblings.

He didn't have many friends at school either. He was popular and handsome, but he was also arrogant and rude. He didn't care about anyone but himself, and he often bullied and teased the other students. He didn't care about his grades or his future either. He just wanted to have fun and do whatever he wanted.

He thought he had everything figured out, until he met Russia.

Russia was a new student who transferred to America's school in the middle of the year. He was tall and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a big fur hat that covered most of his head, and a long coat that covered most of his body. He looked mysterious and intimidating, and no one dared to approach him or talk to him.

He came from a poor and troubled family in Moscow. He had 14 siblings of various ages, who he loved dearly and tried to protect from the harsh realities of life. His father, USSR, had died recently in a violent uprising that had shaken the country. His father had been a cruel and abusive man who had starved and beaten his children for years, but he had also been a powerful and respected leader who had kept the country together. Russia had mixed feelings about him, but he still mourned his loss.

He had moved to the British Isles with his oldest sister, Belarus, who had gotten a scholarship to study at a prestigious university. Belarus had hoped that moving to a new country would give them a better chance at life, but he soon realized that it was not as easy as he had thought. He had to work hard to pay for their rent and expenses, while also studying for his classes. He had little time or energy left for Russia or his other siblings, who he had left behind in Moscow with their aunt.

Russia felt lonely and lost in this new place. He didn't understand the language or the culture, and he didn't fit in with anyone. He missed his home and his family, and he wished he could go back to them.

He thought he had nothing left to live for, until he met America.

They met by chance one day in the cafeteria. America was sitting at a table with some of his friends, laughing and joking around. Russia was sitting at a corner by himself, eating a sandwich that Belarus had made for him. America noticed him and decided to have some fun with him.

"Hey, look at that guy over there," he said to his friends loudly enough for Russia to hear. "He looks like a bear with that hat on."

His friends laughed along with him.

"Yeah," one of them said. "Looks like a Commie.."

"Commie?" another one said mockingly. "Hey Bastard! Go back to Hell!"

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