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It's fücking football. Anyway, I'm running out of ideas, so suggest any you want here           > > >

I won't do incest or controversial ones like Israel x Palestine. Speaking of controversy, Happy tower day American fückers! I know it's not 9/11 yet in America, but oh well. I don't ship this, but on with the story.

America x China

America was bored. He had nothing to do at home, and his siblings were either busy or annoying. Canada was studying for his exams, Australia was playing video games, New Zealand was baking cookies, and UK was lecturing him about manners and etiquette. America hated UK. He always acted like he was better than him, and he never listened to what America had to say. America wished he could just leave this house and go somewhere else.

He decided to sneak out of his room and go to the park. He grabbed his bike and helmet, and rode away as fast as he could. He felt the wind in his hair and the sun on his face. He felt free and happy. He loved riding his bike.

He arrived at the park and parked his bike near a bench. He looked around and saw some familiar faces. There was Japan, who was reading a manga; Germany, who was jogging with Italy; and South Korea, who was playing soccer with some other kids. America waved at them and joined South Korea's team.

They played for a while, and America scored a few goals. He was having fun, until he saw someone he didn't like. It was China, who was sitting on another bench, reading a book. China was one of America's classmates, and he hated him. China was always quiet, withdrawn, and intelligent. He never talked to anyone, except for Russia and North Korea. Russia was one of USSR's sons, who had died a few years ago. USSR was one of China's idols and friends, and America hated him too. North Korea was China's friend, and he despised his younger brother, South Korea, who America liked.

America decided to annoy China. He left the soccer game and walked towards him. He snatched the book from his hands and threw it on the ground.

"Hey, China! What are you reading? Some boring history book?" America taunted.

China glared at him and picked up his book. It was a novel by Lu Xun, one of China's favorite authors.

"Leave me alone, America. You don't know anything about literature." China said.

"Oh, really? I know more than you think. I know that Lu Xun is a communist who hated the old China. He wanted to destroy everything that made China great." America lied.

"That's not true! Lu Xun loved China! He wanted to reform it and make it better! He exposed the corruption and oppression of the feudal system! He inspired many people to fight for freedom and democracy!" China argued.

"Ha! Freedom and democracy? You don't know what those words mean, China. You live in a dictatorship that controls everything you do and say. You have no rights, no voice, no choice. You are just a puppet of your government." America insulted.

"That's not true either! I have rights, voice, choice! I am not a puppet! I am proud of my country and my culture! You are the one who is a puppet! A puppet of your parents, especially UK! You always do what he tells you to do! You never think for yourself!" China retorted.

"That's a lie! I don't listen to UK! I hate him! I do what I want to do! I think for myself!" America shouted.

"Then why are you here? Why are you bothering me? Why don't you go back to your home and leave me alone?" China asked.

"Because... because..." America stuttered.

He didn't know why he was here. He didn't know why he bothered China. He didn't know why he couldn't leave him alone.

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