If I Return

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If I return a ghost when I die,

I'd haunt the thin lines,

Where I used to reside.

I'd be stuffed between walls,

Smushed into the cracks,

Lost in shadows,

Like a maze in the mist.

If you asked where my home is...

I don't know if I could answer.

The door to my home was my entrance hell and my exit to heaven.

How else could I describe this?

Who built this curl world?

Do I fall in with the masses?

Or stray from the path?

Be shunned with the sinners.

Each on broken paths.

I've become a shadow of what I once thought I was.

So what if I dive in?


Try and just fit in.

Trapped in a dark grin.


Late Night Poet - My Bleeding HeartWhere stories live. Discover now