The Anti-Lover

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Sometimes I worry the words I say don't move past my lips.

I say them, but no meaning comes out.

What if I shout?

Scream to the wind?

Would you hear me then, or just play pretend?

Will you always apologize but never change?

Loose words with no actions to back them up.

I won't always surrender, and play this losing game.

I've built armor from your cruelty.

So watch as I refine myself, using the love we lost.

I can't be yours, I won't be.

If you never see me as yours.

I'm more then just an object.

I'm used to disappointment.

Lies, scandals and shade you displayed so confidently.

My heart has become so shattered, that it doesn't know how else to break.

But my heart won't forget so quickly, the damages you made.

These scars I can live with.

So let's stop the resistance, and lets end this.

Take the key, I don't want it.

Not a love that hurts me more then they love me.

I refuse to be a prizes on a shelf.

Now that I know I'm, your unloved lover,

Forever no longer.


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