Last River of Tears

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Today's the last day.

The last time I shed this pain.

The last time my eyes will cry for you.

For so long, I felt useless.

Like asking for acceptance cost way too much.

I've grown to know my own self worth.

This can't continue any longer.

My love for you is not the same.

Even if I still wish you happiness in each day.

But I cannot be your only source for all your dreams.

While you trample though my wishes.

I cannot craft this world perfectly for you.

If you're not willing to shoulder the burdens.

I'd be at your side.

I can support you and encourage you.

But I cannot be your stepping stool in life.

My words carry no weight.

My feelings have no meaning.

Your word show no kindest to my shattered heart.

The only words you believe, are the ones you put in my month.

Even as you beg me to stay.

I'm done with all this cruelty.

I know I deserving of more.

Someone who can cherish me.

Except me for my scars.

But you, you just hold them against me.

You diminish my every thought.

You ask me what's wrong, to of which I'd say, I don't have a voice to speak, you took that away.

Instead of understanding, or trying to listen to me.

You release the title waves.

Hurling emotions dragging me out to sea.

Drowning me without a second thought, not one moment to think.

I continuously try to reexplain myself.

Why I'm struggling and feeling this way.

But some how it's all my fault, because I make you feel like your not enough.

Even as I continue to fill your cup.

It turns out, you're the one who lacks all effort.

I can barely hold your attention for more than 8 seconds.

I can't talk to someone who's unwilling to separate themselves from my emotions.

Who believes in their own opinions so much, that no one else can exists.

This world is not so black and white.

There's colors and light.

As red blood drips.

You can watch me cut myself open, but you cannot accept my pain.

There was a time I wanted to give you the world.

But, I didn't realize that's what you planned to steal from me.

I should've listen more to your actions, and your misdirected words.

So this is the last time.

The last night.

I cry rivers over you.


Late Night Poet - My Bleeding HeartWhere stories live. Discover now