Anger and Aggression

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I've never been an angry person.

The emotion scares me still.

I was tormented by aggression that flooded my childhood home.

I get frustrated and upset, that much is true.

That's something I take in.

I refuse to lash out on innocent listeners willing to hear my sins.

I can't dismiss another's pain.

But, I'll force myself to pull away.

If you only want to use me as your personal punching bag.

I rather you just talk to me.

Without forcing me to join in your misery.

While I keeping you company.

My eyes don't view this world through a happy lens.

It's a constant fight I'm in.

To be the happy person, to continually remind myself it'll okay again.

Not everyday will be so dark and grim.

Your passion burns inside you.

It's time to let out what you've been keeping in.

I turn my pain into art.

In this, I learn to understand myself.

It's a reminder of the endless battlefields I've crossed.


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