What can I do?

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Someday I wish I could speak.

Speak and be heard.

I told you I was struggling, but you said I looked fine.

I ask to talk about my feelings, but some how that means I'm hurting you instead.

When will my feeling be about me. . . ?

And the hell I walked through?

How can you make my feelings your own?

When I just need to be heard.

Because I'm confused and scared.

How are my feelings representations of what's real?

And yet my pain is an illusion and so unreal?

I love and I accept, even when I can't understand.

I've been broken and torn everywhere I went.

My soul is so sore, my mind sinks to the floor, my heart lays still, lost without a rhythm.

I never believed my feelings define others, only my own perspective.

Yet I'm always miss heard.

You ask me to open up to you, but as I do, you turn and hide.

Shut all the windows, lock and board the doors.

Then, I am just left. . .

Alone with these feelings I own.

They are all laid out on the floor,

Not sure what ones matter or how to be sure.

Now what to do with these feeling I've stored. . .


Late Night Poet - My Bleeding HeartWhere stories live. Discover now