Chapter 49: The Encounter with Morgan

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The short journey to Uncle J's office was nauseating. Amelia, usually composed and calm, seemed to undergo a change in behavior upon hearing about her daughter's arrival.

Uncle Jayden remained calm throughout, but I could sense a simmering anger beneath his surface.

"Was she really that bad?" I wondered.

I knew it was pointless to ask them questions because they would always avoid answering, but I was growing weary of their evasiveness.

Finally, we arrived at the entrance of Uncle J's office. I hesitated, curious to know what Morgan looked like and whether she resembled Mum. However, my anticipation quickly dissipated when I saw Amelia and Uncle J exchange blank stares.

"Is there a problem?" I questioned, noticing their gazes locked on each other once again.

"Red, I want you to listen to me," Amelia began to speak, and I nodded in response.

"Morgan is a very cunning witch. Whatever she says or asks, don't answer or question her," she warned.

"Exactly, Red. Just because your grandmother is nice doesn't mean her descendants are," Uncle J added.

Their words carried weight, as if they had been victims of Morgan's manipulations. A sudden memory flashed through my mind, recalling Ana's revelation about my aunt's love for my father.

I am the product of my parents' forbidden love. Does Morgan's hatred still linger?

"You know I'm not a fan of patience," a woman's voice suddenly spoke through the door. Uncle J opened the door, and I was taken aback by the sight before me.

She was undeniably beautiful, but there was something unsettling about her eyes.

Her eyes were a striking violet color-pretty, yet somehow chilling. They say that the eyes reveal a person's story, but I had no interest in hearing hers. Her hair was as white as snow, perfectly complementing her pale skin. Glancing at her face, I quickly noticed the resemblance between Amelia and Morgan.

She sat calmly in Uncle J's seat, staring at each of us with a slow intensity that sent shivers down my spine. She appeared innocent, as if she couldn't harm a fly, but her presence told a different story.

"What are you doing here, Morgan?" Amelia snapped, striding forward to the desk. Morgan smiled and turned it into a smirk, clearly enjoying her mother's reaction.

"Oh, come on, Mother," she said, rising from the chair. I couldn't help but notice her curves and how flawlessly perfect she looked.

Almost too perfect.

"You didn't think I wouldn't come and see my dearest niece," she pouted, earning a glare from Amelia.

"You look just like her," her gaze shifted from her mother to me. I refused to respond, trusting the words Amelia had told me.

"Why wouldn't she? She's her mother's daughter, after all," Uncle J intervened, positioning himself protectively between me and Morgan.

"How did you know she was here?" Morgan smirked, turning back to Amelia. "I have ears everywhere, and what's the point of being the First Witch if I don't have the power of connection, dear mother?" She spat out the last words venomously, and I wondered what kind of person spoke to their mother in such a manner.

Apparently, witches did.

"Nevertheless, I didn't come for a sweet reunion. I came with a warning," I gulped as her tone shifted from sweet to something far less pleasant.

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