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Hj:ummm.. Actually... Oh yes jisung told me that is your name
Lix:ohh..but how jisung know is my name? I never told him that
Hj:i don’t know i think your mom told him or someone else
Lix:i think so... Ok Let's start to know each other
Lix:first what is your hobby?
Hj:i like painting most of the time when I'm alone i like that
Lix:can you show me your painting?
Hj:not today i will show you later bcuz if you see my talent you will fall in love with me so i don’t take a risk you know I'm so handsome (wink)
Lix:what..why are you always praise yourself... (annoyed)
Hj:bcuz I'm really handsome if you like YOURself then everyone like you if you not satisfied your look then you don’t hope it to someone satisfied
Lix:(ohhh I'm melted how comfortable word you use most of the time i thought You're selfish  you think of your self first but now i know You're really a good person i think I'm wrong to think You're selfish)
Hj:hey...what r u thinking? Let's continue
Lix:oh yes right you never ask me what's my hobby
Hj:i know
Lix:what... How do you know my hobby
Hj:no i don’t know what is it haha(nervous)
Lix:you're weird... Ok my hobby is Photography i like to taking picture of nature, beautiful bird's and make a album
Hj:oh that's nice but you have to collect picture of me
Hj:bcuz it’s our assignment see they say share your hobby and do that each other that mean i have to draw you and you have to take picture of me
Lix:oh right so You're free tomorrow
Hj:ahhh.. I think i have something to do but.. sir I'm asking you You're free or not just replied...
Hj:ok... If you want me then I'm free
Lix:ok then meet me that cafe xxxxx
Hj:okay babe...
Hj:nothing kiddo
Lix:It's late I'm going home bye..
Hj:wait my driver drove you home
Lix:no it’s ok i can go by myself
Hj:you're not just listen me go to my driver or i can go with you
Lix:no i will go to your driver you don’t have to worry bye(why he so nice to me but l like it when he take care of me)
Hj:ok go home safely and text me when you home
Lix:ok sir...

Hyunjin pov
There is something what is it... Oh that bracelet this is our old bracelet i have that too felix leave that my house this is our last memory of childhood...

Do you want to know the flashback i update that tomorrow so bye for now...

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