can u forgive me?🥺

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Felix getting shock why is hyunjin here.....
Hj:hey yongbok did you cry much....
Lix:why r u here get out of my room did u know what you did to me last night....
Hj:oh that's just I'm angry
Lix:angry?if You're angry so why you raped me?
Hj:bcz that bastard touch my thing i don’t like someone touch my thing.....
Lix:what thing?
Hj:do you really want to know babe(whispering and put hand lix waist)
Lix:w-what u...d-doing (scare)
Hj:you're all mine yongbok...(pack his lips)
Lix:g-go a-way...
Hj:why you promise me you will marry me in future and now you say go away this is not easy mr.lee yongbok
Lix:what!!!i promised? When?
Hj:hey nerd think it by yourself You're really dumbo(dumbo is a nickname that hyunjin called felix when they're kid)
Lix:you're no no really? U-ure sam?(tear falling)
Hj:yes dumbo...
Lix:sammmmm(hug him tight)
Hj:huh NOW why you hug me?
Hj:yes bcuz?
Lix:bcuz....i love youuuuu
Hj:ok ok....
Lix:what Answer me do you love me?
Hj:no why did i love you?
Lix:really you Don't love me? (Become sad)
Hj:yes i love someone else
Lix:i know you love jisung but why you here go to him (pouted)
Hj:but you know he have a minho
Lix:minho is his boyfriend? So why you act like You're his boyfriend answer me why?
Hj:do you want to know?
Lix:yes yes....
Hj:so kiss me (pout)
Lix:why I'm not kissing you...
Hj:then I'm not telling you...
Lix:did you blackmail me?
Hj:you know then why you asking?
Lix:come near...(bite his lips hard)
Hj:aussss...why you biting me?
Lix:haha You're idiot hyunjin
Hj:oh I'm idiot? Let's see(come to catch lix)
Lix:Don't come...ahhh(drop to bed)
Hj:now who save you baby?(push him bed hold his hand)
Lix:ahhh hyunjin let me go
Hj:already?i never let you go anywhere again You're mine(kiss his forehead softly)
Hj:i love you yongbok forever...
Lix:i love you too sam...
Hj:can you forgive me for being late come to you
Lix:you don’t how much i miss u everyday everymint everysec i think about you don’t go anywhere again i love you so much....

Guys sorry for late my exam finished today there is special part i will write tomorrow... and if you like to share which kpop ships i write next comment below...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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