jealousy ❤️‍🔥

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Someone's pov
Felix and jisung get to go...
Lix mom:where are you two going?
Jisung:aunt we're going to party...
Lix mom :what's for?
Jisung:we win a schools project that's why we plan to celebrate it please aunt let felix go
Lix mom:ok i understand you two go but don’t drink too much..

Jisung:look lixiee i manage your mom easily she is so understanding....
Lix:yes so Let's get going...yoooohooo...

at the party
Everyone looking at felix he looking damn hot....hyunjin and minho standing together hyunjin looked at felix but he Didn't stop looking he going to another world....
Lix:hiii guys....
Minho:you're looking nice...
Jisung:me there too but not compliments about me... (Pout)
Minho:you're always looking good Pabo....
Minho:hey hyunjin why are you looking felix like this your boyfriend is there don't forget..
Hyunjin:w-what I'm not looking at him... And my boyfriend is looking nice then him....
Lix:really?i know he is nice then me but you looking joker..
Jinie: watch your mouth do you want to fight?
Jisung:hey guys stop it we're here to party not look at your fighting...
Minho:yes he is right...Let's go to have drinks
All:ok Let's go
Felix is already half drunk...
Jisung:hey lixiee stop drinking You're drunk already
Lix:why you always lecture me I'm older now...
Jinie:kiddo he speaking right he care about you...
Lix:do you care about me?
Jinie:yes i-l....
??:hey felix...
Kai:yes.. Do you remember me baby...
Lix:yes of course...
Jisung:hey who are you?
Kai:i'm Kai Felix ex boyfriend
Jisung:w-what really but..(look at hyunjin)
Hyunjin looking really angry his face becoming redden...
Kai:Let's have a dance baby
Lix:of Course... Let's go...

Jinie:whatttt...hey jisung who the fuck is he?
Jisung :did you not hearing he is lix ex...
Jinie:why is he here and how dare he to touch my felix....
Jinie:i kill him(going to the direction where lix and kai)
Jisung:hey hyunjin wait..
Hyunjin Didn't listen to jisung and go there...

What happened next?do you want to know?i will update it tomorrow so enjoy...

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