give it back💘

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A/u pov:
It’s the end of flashback hyunjin thought felix still love me but he want prove it so he continue to acting as a boyfriend of jisung.....

Felix message me....
lix:hey jinieee....
Hj:yes felix?
Lix:can you find a bracelet for me i think i forget at your home
Hj:ohh ok i will find it
Lix:thank you I'm  really glad please if you found give me tomorrow ok?
Hj:why?is it very important to you?
Lix:ummm...yes i think i never take it off but i don’t know how i forget it please find it for me
Hj:ok don’t worry i found it i will give you tomorrow bye..
Lix:thanks again jiniee... Bye..

Hj pov:
This bracelet really important to him awww my felix is so cute(look at his picture) i already miss him when tomorrow come i can't wait....

Tomorrow at College
Felix come to me
Lix:hyunjin did you bring it here?
hj:oh no i forgot....hihi
Lix:ahhh...i tell you several times why you forget it... (Angry)
Hj:why are you so angry it’s Just a bracelet...
Lix:it’s not Just a bracelet why you don’t bring it here, stupid.....
Hj:it’s the bracelet like that?(take it out of Pocket)
Lix:whatttt...why you lying like that give me back
Hj:wait.... Are you calling me stupid right?
Lix:no-no I'm just joking please give me back na....
Hj:if i don’t? (Annoying him)
Lix:ok fine what you want? Do you want me to treat you? Ok i will...
Hj:do you think billionaire like me want that?
Lix:so what you want?
Hj:a kiss...

Sorry for short part i will write more next time i Promise 💯🫰

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