accidently falls

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Felix pov:
Today is my First day to go college I'm so nervous but my best friend jisung is there so i don’t have think much he says his boyfriend is here too i never see his boyfriend it’s our first met he says his boyfriend looks so handsome and hot i don’t know either oh no it’s already 7:30 i was late my mom calling me

Mom:felix...wake up son felixxxx...You're late..hurry up and eat your breakfast
Felix:i'm coming waitttt....
mom:eat your breakfast first then go
Felix:mom I'm late i will eat canteen don’t worry han is there
Felix:yes mom he text me he is going early today
Mom:and You're late right
Felix:you Don't wake me up that's why i late
Mom:don’t blame me i called you thousands time you sleep like piggy
Felix:ahhh mom don’t tease me
Mom:ok go and come back soon don’t go anywhere
Felix:ok mom i love you..
Mom:i love you too son bye..
Felix:see you later

Someone's pov:
Felix has a good chemistry with his mom his mom like his friend he share everything with her how lovely...

At the College
I'm at College gate i called jisung but he didn’t picked what the fuck happened to him suddenly a boy crash on me

Felix:ahhh you don’t have a eye or you like falls on someone suddenly huh?
??:hey kiddo do you know what are saying
Felix:kiddo?how dare you to call me kiddo!!you old man
??:you like a kiddo so i call you kiddo and why you called me old man?
Felix:you like old that's i called you old man
??:look at me I'm so handsome and hot how dare you to called me that every girls are mad at me to date them
Felix:haha..nice joke that's who mad at you to date i think they don’t have a eye and also problem in Their head that's why they like a old man like you (actually he is so hot and handsome but i lie)
??:you...little you know who I'm how do you know i think Newbie kiddo so don’t cross your limit do you understand? If you don’t then i know how to handle you(whisper in my ear)
Felix:he-hey g-o away what're you doing
??:oh no little kiddo scared sorry cutie i don’t hurt you but respect me
Felix:respect you my ass how dare you to come close me huh?
Jisung:hey two meet already
Felix:ji where was you i fucking call you several times and do you know him
Jisung:sorry lixie my phone is off and he is my boyfriend hyunjin you don’t know

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