𖤐Chapter 15𖤐

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- Heeseung -

"I'll start from the beginning, why this is all happening in the first place." I say.

Jake nods, moving further into the bed and making himself comfortable.

"It all started with my dad. Well... technically me and Sunghoon's dad, but I'll get into that later. The Chois' mom was out for my dad. She killed my mom out of spite because he chose mom and not her."

"Ms. Choi and some of her minions attacked a village to lure my dad out and force him to fight her, and in the process, she killed Sunghoon's family, and almost killed him. My dad was able to stop her, but to stop her he had to kill her and all her men. He felt terrible, so he took Sunghoon back home with him and but him, turning him into a vampire."

"Wait, Sunghoon wasn't born a vampire? Does that mean you were turned too?" Jake asks.

"No, I was born a vampire since both of my parents were, but Sunghoon had to be turned or else he would've died."

"Oh okay, continue."

"After my dad killed Ms. Choi, her sons, Soobin, Yeonjun, and Beomgyu swore to take revenge on us for what my dad did. They ganged up and killed him, but felt that wasn't enough, so now they're after us too."

"After Sunoo and Niki came, they decided to torture us, chasing us all around the world. When I said we traveled a lot, I wasn't lying. They weren't going to stop following us until we were all dead. Now that you're associated with us, they're targeting you too."

"That's insane." Jake says.

"I know."

"If that's the reason they're after you guys, can you tell me why they reacted so weirdly to me mentioning Canada?"

"Oh, yeah... Just don't tell any of them I told you, okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I promise."

"Okay... Canada was very traumatic for Sunoo and Niki. It didn't really affect me and Sunghoon that much since we've been in very bad fights before. When the Chois found us in Canada, we didn't have time to leave, so we had no choice but to fight them, even though I didn't want Sunoo and Niki involved."

"When we really fought, I got stuck with Soobin somewhere in the forest we were at. After I killed Soobin, I hurried back to help the others. When I got back, Niki and Sunghoon were injured, I still don't know what happened to Sunoo, and Yeonjun was about to kill Niki. I got to him in time and made sure he could follow us, Me and Sunghoon got them out of them and moved to California."

"The two were completely traumatized after that. When I found out that they were here in Maine looking for us, I didn't want to tell them yet because I thought I had time to prepare."

"What happened to Niki and Sunghoon?"

"The youngest one, Beomgyu, almost seriously injured Sunghoon. He cut his face pretty bad." I say.

"And Niki?.."

I sigh. "Yeonjun nearly killed him. He had a special knife gifted to him by his mom that he used. After Niki and Sunghoon took down Beomgyu, Yeonjun stabbed Niki, dragging the blade all the way down his back, leaving a giant scar. It took forever to heal."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't vampires heal super fast?" He asks.

"You're right, Sunghoon's scar healed really fast, but with the special tools Yeonjun used, they were made specifically for killing vampires."

"Oh my..."

"I know. Niki is traumatized because we all really thought he was going to die. That was only the second time he's ever had to encounter Yeonjun twice and the last time...that happened."

"I can see why. " He says. "Um... one more question."


"What do you mean when Sunoo and Niki came? Did the same thing that happened to Sunghoon happen to them?"

"Uh... not necessarily the same thing, but they were both turned."

"What happened?"

"That's not really my place to say... It was terrible for both of them. When you all get closer maybe you can ask them." I say.

"Ah, okay." Jake says, followed by a yawn.

"Are you tired? It was a long drive here." I ask.

"Yeah, kinda, but I'm fine."

"No, you should sleep."

"Are you sure? I don't wanna just sleep and leave you with no one to talk to."

"I'll be fine, Niki will probably come in here begging for my attention once he realizes he can't bother Sunoo and Sunghoon."

Jake laughs, getting off the bed. "Uh, do you mind if I change into more comfortable clothes?"

"Oh, yeah sure." I say, getting up from the bed.

As I'm about to walk out, Jake stops me.

"Wait! Can you um...stay?" He asks.


"Yeah... I'm just a bit...paranoid is all."

"Sure." I chuckle.

"Thanks, just turn around or something."

I turn around facing the painting on the wall.

"God that was so embarrassing... why did I ask him to stay?! It was only gonna take like 2 minutes to change anyway..."

I couldn't help but smile. It's cute when Jake talks to himself.

"Okay, done!" He says.

I turned around, and Jake was now in an oversized grey hoodie and black shorts, jumping back onto the bed.

"This is much better." He says.

"You sleep, I'll be back up in a minute." I say.

Jake nods, getting under the grey comforter.

I shut off the lights, left the room, and went downstairs.


now you guys know MOST of the back story
there's still more about the others that have yet to be revealed

hope you enjoy

have an amazing day/night

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