Jessica Abbott

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Jessica tried to wiggle her toes but they wouldn't budge. She tried again more forcefully, no luck.
A strange beeping sound filled the room along with a constant chatter that was growing clearer and clearer. I sterile smell stung her nose as a strange chocking sound started to arise beside her, at first she thought someone was in trouble but then she realised that they were crying, wait, no, more than one person. Suddenly someone spoke: "Jessie, can you hear me? Oh sweetie I am so sorry, it's all my fault, oh I should never had said those things!" It was her Mum. Then she heard another voice; her brother Liam's "Oh come on, she always does this, draws attention to herself!" He sounded so annoyed. "How can you say that when she's in a coma!" Her mum replied sobbing, that shut him up. 'I'm in a coma?' Jessica thought. She tried to sit up to comfort her mum but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't do.

"Oh my gosh" she heard a middle-aged woman scream hysterically from the next bed. "What happened to her!?" A calm voice replied "Her heart beat is constant but she is only relying on life support and we don't think she will last very long," she thought she heard her mum get up from the seat beside her and go and comfort the woman. "We're very sorry for your loss Mrs. Lou." She heard what she suspected was the doctor walk away with those last words.

A dull phone tone filled the sterile air and Mrs. Lou answered it,
Her voice started to crack
"I'll be right there"
"Ward C17"
Mrs. Lou left the room slightly sobbing, mumbling something like "not both my babies".
Her mum resumed her usual spot slightly shaking.

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