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chapitre huit
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In two weeks, the Mansouri family would embark on their voyage back to Algeria for the summer. Tarek, with unwavering dedication, spent gruelling hours at the clinics, tending to as many patients as he could. Meanwhile, Samia, accompanied by Camille and Amina, flitted about town, meticulously selecting clothes and trinkets she deemed fitting gifts for their relatives. But Isra, plagued by a gnawing sense of apprehension, couldn't help but loathe the thought of setting sail. The impending departure filled her with a sense of melancholy as if returning to an entire life she left behind, forever lost in the murky depths of the sea.

As she lay awake in bed, her mind roamed to the upcoming reunion with Haadi. Three months had elapsed, but it felt like an eternity since they last met. Every night, she tossed and turned as her thoughts spun a never-ending tale of uncertainties. Would Haadi still feel the same about her? Would their love remain as ardent as before? Or would their reckless decision come back to haunt them? She was haunted by the endless stream of questions, and each one was a nail that kept her awake at night.

The once tight bond between Isra and her parents had frayed beyond repair over the past few weeks, and now the thought of making the journey back to Algeria with them was almost unbearable. Her father's threats echoed in her mind, his voice laced with anger and disappointment as he tried to dissuade her from her reckless plan. But Isra was resolute in her decision to marry Haadi Brahimi, willing to sever ties with her family if necessary.

In a bid to ease their inevitable separation, she had adopted an air of indifference towards them. Gone were the days of lively breakfast conversations and shared laughter; now, she sat at the table in stony silence like a mere spectre haunting their presence. Her father, once a figure of strength and guidance, was now a stranger to her. He chose to ignore her presence, burying his disappointment deep within his stoic demeanour.

Yet, her mother refused to let their bond slip away so easily. With every attempt to bridge the growing divide, Isra pushed her away as a wave of the sea would to an unwelcome intrusion. Instead, she sought solace in the company of her friend Aisha, who smoked her worries away as Isra listened and tried to forget the impending loss of the only family she had ever known.

Aisha watched as Isra fiddled with the hem of her dress, a look of uncertainty flitting across her features. "Are you excited to finally see Haadi?" she asked after inhaling a lungful of smoke.

Isra's response was hesitant, her words measured. "Yes, of course. But...I don't know. It's complicated," she admitted, her brow furrowing in concern.

Her expression softened, and she placed a gentle hand on Isra's shoulder. "What's wrong? You seem worried."

Isra took a deep breath before replying. "I am. I mean, I love Haadi, but...I don't know if it's worth losing my family over. My father is furious with me, and my mother is heartbroken. I feel like I'm tearing our family apart."

"I know it's hard, Isra. But you have to do what's right for you. You can't live your life for other people."

She nodded slowly, her thoughts still clouded with doubt. "I just wish it didn't have to be so hard," she murmured.

Aisha teasingly nudged Isra with her elbow and flashed her a mischievous grin. "You'll be a married woman soon, Isra. How does it feel?" she asked, eyes sparkling with amusement.

She felt a rush of emotions rush through her as she tried to suppress a smile. On one hand, she was excited to finally be with Haadi, to start a new life with him. On the other hand, the weight of the reality of her decision bore down on her. She was leaving her family, risking everything for love.

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