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chapitre vignt-et-un
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Marcel and Isra embarked on a dreamy honeymoon to the enchanting landscapes of Switzerland in September. They stayed in a charming chalet nestled among the snow-capped mountains, where the crisp alpine air filled their lungs with freshness. Each day was a new adventure, as they explored the picturesque towns and villages hand in hand, wandering through cobbled streets and quaint markets.

They took leisurely boat rides on serene lakes, the shimmering waters reflecting the glory of the mountains above. They marvelled at the local traditions and savored the delightful Swiss cuisine.

In the evenings, as the sun dipped behind the mountains, they returned to their cozy chalet, where their love for each other deepened in the quietude of their private sanctuary. The intimacy they shared was tender and passionate, each moment a celebration of their newfound bond as husband and wife.

As they sat by the fireplace one evening, wrapped in each other's arms, Marcel and Isra broached the topic of starting a family. The uncertainty of Europe's future weighed heavily on their minds, and they realized that waiting for the perfect moment might be futile in such tumultuous times.

"Germany, under Hitler's leadership, is committing terrible atrocities against innocent people, particularly those they consider 'undesirable.' One of the most horrifying examples is a concentration camp called Buchenwald," he began, his expression growing somber. "It's mostly word of mouth, but... it doesn't look good at all. The world has become a dangerous place, and it terrifies me to think of the innocent lives lost and the families torn apart."

Fear gripped her; not even his warmth was enough to thaw the ice. "But we'll be okay, won't we? His power won't reach France."

He kissed her forehead, hoping to impart some of his strength and resolve. "It will do us no good to worry, especially not on our honeymoon."

"You're right," she whispered, trying to push away the gnawing fear that had settled in her mind. "This is our time together."

He stroked her hair rhythmically, his touch sending soothing ripples through her. "Family is what's important. What do you say? Shall we have a baby?"

She laughed to ease the dreary atmosphere. "I'm sure we've already made one." Her hand fell to her stomach. "You don't let me rest."

"I can't resist you," he admitted with a mischievous grin.

They spoke of the kind of parents they wanted to be, the memories they wanted to create with their child, and the boundless love they were eager to share. It was a dream that filled their hearts with hope and joy, and they knew that no matter the trials that lay ahead, they would face them together.

"But seriously, Marcel, starting a family... it's a big decision. What if things get worse in Europe? What if we can't protect them?"

He cupped her face, determination eclipsing his expression. "We'll face whatever comes together, my love. I promise you, that no matter what happens, we will protect our family. We'll create a home filled with love and happiness."

Her worries began to fade as she looked into his reassuring eyes. "You think we can do this?"

"Absolutely. And besides, we have each other. With you by my side, there's nothing we can't overcome."

Their efforts reached a culmination in the middle of September. Isra had been with her mother at her old apartment, helping her with a few chores while Marcel was at work, when she ran to the water closet. She fell to her knees, expelling this morning's breakfast and the light lunch she had.

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