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Chapitre quarante
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As night lingered on, Isra and Klaus had to take cover a total of four times at distinct checkpoints before finally leaving Paris behind. With the break of dawn, the Eiffel Tower gradually receded into the distance, diminishing from view as they traversed meandering dirt roads. 

As they journeyed, they encountered several quaint towns and villages along the way. Their brief pause at Barbizon, a serene commune nestled near a forest's edge, marked a stop. Dr. Muller parked the car on the outskirts while he ventured into the small town to procure food for them. In the interim, Hans and Isra strolled along one of the riverside paths, a quiet companionship enveloping them until they reached a nearby river, not too distant from where the car was parked. The tranquil walk infused Isra with a sense of peace, a stark contrast to the tension she felt while in Paris.

Upon reaching the river, Hans swiftly commenced shedding his uniform. Isra couldn't contain her laughter, questioning his actions. His response was merely a smile as he wordlessly continued undressing until he stood completely bare, eliciting a mix of giggles and blushes from her. Without a word, he proceeded to wade into the river, disappearing into its waters.

Isra chuckled, her voice echoing across the serene surroundings. "What on earth are you doing?"

Hans grinned mischievously, his gaze fixed on the river. "Just enjoying the freedom. Join me, it's refreshing!"

"Are you crazy?" Isra laughed.

"It's wonderful!" Hans called back from the water. "Come on, don't be shy."

She shook her head, giggling. "I have Klaus with me."

"He can join us too! Babies love water."

Isra hesitated, looking down at Klaus in her arms. "I don't know, he might catch a cold..."

"Trust me, the water's not too cold. Besides, a little dip won't hurt," he reassured her, splashing again and sending droplets in their direction.

She smiled, shielding Klaus slightly. "Alright, fine! But just for a little while."

He grinned widely, gesturing for them to come closer. "That's all I ask." He gently splashed water towards them, eliciting a squeal from her. 

She was worried that they'd be caught. If not by soldiers, then perhaps by townsfolk or even Dr. Muller himself. She didn't think he'd want to return with food only to find them swimming naked in a river. 

Gently setting Klaus on the grass, Isra started by discarding the nightgown she'd been wearing since departing Paris, followed by her undergarments. Next, she unwrapped the blanket cocooning Klaus and took off his diaper. Hans watched as she made her way to the river's edge, her naked silhouette reflecting in the water. Testing the temperature with a cautious toe, she entered the water slowly, ensuring not to startle Klaus, who she carried in her arms. 

"Careful, it's a bit chilly at first," Hans called out from the water, watching Isra wade in.

She shivered slightly as she adjusted to the water's temperature. "It's refreshing, though."

"Feels amazing once you get used to it," Hans replied and swam closer to her.

For unknown reasons, it reminded her of the swims she and Haadi used to take on the beach after dark. It was hard to imagine that it had been five years since then. 

"It feels weird to be here. Swimming whilst everything around us is a disaster," she said.

Hans gently took Klaus from Isra's arms, lowering him halfway into the water, which prompted the baby to gasp and fuss. "It's all right, Klaus. The water feels nice, doesn't it?" Hans addressed him as if expecting a reply. 

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