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chapitre dix-huit
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In the months following that unforgettable New Year's Eve, Isra's life continued its course, swaying between moments of joy and sorrow, growth and recovery. As political tensions heightened across Europe, uncertainty clouded the horizon, yet within this tumultuous backdrop, Isra's personal journey evolved.

She maneuvered through the intricate maze of grief, where Haadi's absence lingered like a gentle ache. However, as time passed, the sharpness of her sorrow softened, allowing fragments of healing to seep in. Haadi's memory transformed into a source of resilience, guiding her onward rather than tethering her to the past.

Her bond with her parents deepened, as the shared experience of loss forged a stronger connection. Her father continued to impart lessons in mathematics, English, and biology. Within those lessons, Isra discovered not only the intricacies of the subjects but also the enduring love between a father and his daughter.

Friendship remained a constant source of support. Aisha's lively nature and unwavering loyalty brought laughter and shared aspirations into Isra's life. Marcel, a steadfast companion, continued to offer support, accompanying her through both joyful and challenging times. Their friendship flourished as they journeyed through life's twists and turns together.

In the cozy confines of Aisha's bedroom, Isra and her friend sat on the edge of the bed, their eyes brimming with excitement and anticipation. The air was thick with a mix of nervous energy and budding romance as Aisha began to share a secret that danced upon her lips.

Isra, barely containing her eagerness, leaned in, her voice a gentle whisper, "Aisha, you have that look on your face. What happened?"

Her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink. "Etienne asked me to be exclusive."

A surge of delight coursed through Isra's veins as she clasped her hands together, unable to contain her joy. "That's incredible news! I'm so happy for you!"

Aisha's smile blossomed, her expression alight with a newfound sense of contentment. "I can hardly believe it myself. I said that I would never fall in love with a man but here I am. I love him, Isra. He's the only one for me."

Oh, how people changed. Isra would never have expected a girl like Aisha to surrender to a man like Etienne.

"Tell me everything, Aisha. How did he ask? What did you say?"

Her laughter danced in the air. "Etienne and I went to dinner last night and I went home with him. You know, the usual. We've been seeing each other more often now, and he's been acting so different around me, like a true gentleman. And when he and I... when we're in bed together... it's... he's changed. He makes love to me so sweetly now and he tells me that I'm beautiful. He says the most wonderful things to me."

Isra took her hand and held it tightly. "You deserve love and happiness, Aisha. I'm glad that Etienne has been able to give it to you."

"Me too."

That very evening, as Isra stepped into the warmth of her home, she could hear the hushed voices of her parents emanating from the living room. Her father and mother were talking over tea. Intrigued, she paused, deciding to listen in for a moment. The somber tones in her father's voice caught her attention, as he discussed the political state of Europe.

"The situation in Europe continues to be tense, my dear," her father began. "Germany's rearmament program is causing unease among the neighboring countries. The rising influence of the Nazi Party and their aggressive expansionist policies are troubling indeed."

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