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Haadi's mother was a vision of grace and elegance. Her hair was jet black and fell in soft, luscious waves down her back. Her almond-shaped eyes were a warm brown, framed by long, thick lashes. Her nose was petite and perfectly proportioned, and her lips were full and inviting, always curved in a gentle smile. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and unblemished, and her slender figure was draped in flowing black abaya. It was obvious to Isra who Haadi had gotten his looks from.

Isra found herself mesmerized by the piercing gaze of the formidable woman seated across from her. The unexpected arrival of the Brahimi family after their breakfast had thrown them all into a state of confusion, but the purpose of their visit was even more bewildering: a discussion of her potential marriage to their son.

As they all gathered in the living room, the atmosphere was fraught with thick tension that permeated every inch of the space. Haadi and Isra sat hand in hand, their fingers tightly interlaced, in a display of unwavering support for one another. Despite their physical closeness, the distance between the two families seemed insurmountable. The air was dense with an unspoken unease, punctuated only by the occasional sharp intake of breath from both sides, as they anxiously awaited the next move in this delicate dance of negotiation.

Haadi's father, Ahmed, was the first to break the silence. "We understand that our son is young, but he is also deeply in love with Isra. We have seen how he has grown since meeting her, how he has become more responsible and mature."

Tarek snorted in disbelief. "Your son is barely out of his teenage years! How can he possibly know what he wants? And what makes you think that he can provide for my daughter?"

His mother, Zainab, spoke up, her voice gentle but firm. "We are not asking for your daughter's hand in marriage lightly, Tarek. We know the responsibility that comes with marriage, and we know that our son is ready to take on that responsibility."

Isra's mother, Samia, spoke up, her eyes searching the faces of the others in the room. "Isra is also very much in love with Haadi. She has spoken of nothing else since she returned from Paris. And we trust our daughter's judgement. We know that she would never choose a man who would not treat her with love and respect."

Tarek stood up, his face red with anger. "You speak of love and respect, but where is the respect in taking my daughter away from her family? How can you even think of allowing this marriage to happen?"

Haadi's father rose to his feet, his own anger starting to show. "We are not taking your daughter away, Tarek. We are offering her a chance at happiness with our son. And we will do everything in our power to make sure that she is loved and cared for, just as we would for our own daughter."

Isra could sense the unyielding stubbornness in her father's gaze, and the thinly veiled reluctance in Haadi's parents. Her heart sank as she realized that the hope she held for a future with Haadi was being eroded away, bit by bit. As she scanned the room, searching for any glimmer of understanding or compassion, her eyes fell upon Haadi, whose expression mirrored her own distress. They shared a silent understanding that their love could not be dictated by the disapproving elders, and that if they were to continue their journey together, it would have to be on their own terms, away from this stormy battleground.

Tarek's face contorted with fury as his eyes bore into Ahmed's. His lips curled into a snarl, revealing his teeth like a predator ready to pounce. "Ha! You think I'm going to let my daughter marry into a family like yours?"

Ahmed bristled at Tarek's words. "Our family may not have as much wealth as yours, but we have something more important. We have love, respect, and traditions that have been passed down through generations."

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