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chapitre quinze
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"Thank you for coming."

In the parlour adorned with ornate furniture and exquisite paintings, Haadi found himself seated alongside Marie's parents, Monsieur and Madame Blanchet. The air was thick with tension, like an invisible storm cloud hovering above them, ready to unleash its fury at any moment. Haadi's nerves trembled like fragile threads, his heart pounding against the walls of his chest.

Monsieur Blanchet, a stern figure exuding an air of authority, sat rigidly in his chair, his brows furrowed with indignation. His eyes bore into Haadi, carrying the weight of judgment and condemnation. The very presence of Haadi seemed to irk him, a constant reminder of the accusations that had stained their lives.

Beside him, Madame Blanchet, a woman of refined elegance, sat with an air of haughty superiority. Her lips pursed tightly, she regarded Haadi with a cool detachment, her eyes conveying skepticism and disdain. Her loyalty to her daughter seemed unwavering, and in her mind, Haadi was already condemned.

Marie, seated beside Isra, wore an expression of conflicted emotions. Her eyes flickered between Haadi and her parents, her face a tapestry of guilt, fear, and uncertainty. It was as if she were torn between the truth and the consequences of her actions, caught in a web of her own making. Isra, ever steadfast, offered a supportive presence beside Haadi. Her unwavering gaze was fixed on Marie's parents, her determination shining through.

The room was charged with unspoken words, the silence broken only by the occasional strained cough or the rustling of fabric. Haadi's hands trembled slightly in his lap, his palms moist with nervous perspiration. He tried to maintain a composed exterior, but the surrealness of the situation bore down upon him. Every fiber of his being longed for understanding, for the truth to be unveiled and his innocence to be recognized.

"What do you have to say for yourself, boy? Speak," Monsieur Blanchet stated.

The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his response. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he looked directly at him, his voice calm yet laced with an undercurrent of determination.

"I understand the gravity of the accusations, Monsieur Blanchet," Haadi began, his voice steady despite the racing of his heart. "But I assure you, with every fiber of my being, that I am innocent of the crimes of which I have been accused."

He continued, his gaze shifting between Monsieur and Madame Blanchet, as he sought to convey his sincerity. "I respect and value the relationship I have had with Marie. I would never take advantage of her or harm her in any way," his voice quivered slightly, betraying the emotions that welled within him. "The events that transpired were misunderstood and misconstrued, and I implore you to consider the truth beyond the cloud of these allegations."

Madame Blanchet's eyes narrowed, her words dripping with skepticism. "You expect us to believe your words over our daughter's testimony? The shame you have brought upon our family..."

"I kissed Marie at her birthday party, yes, but that was the extent of our interaction that evening. I went home afterward."

Monsieur Blanchet scoffed. "So you expect us to believe that a simple kiss led our daughter to concoct such a severe accusation? Do you take us for fools?"

"I cannot speak for Marie's motivations or actions, but I can assure you that I have no ill intentions or guilt in this matter," he stated firmly.

"You may be persuasive with your words, but actions speak louder. Our daughter's word carries more weight than any defense you may present."

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