Part 2
I stay awake for the ride that takes nine hours. My eyes are heavy and it's getting harder to keep them open. We enter the eight-foot-tall barbed wire-surrounded base. Ghost gets out and throws me over his shoulder as he carries me inside. My puffed-out tail covers my backside as I glare down every soldier I see. I hear some snickering, laugh, pointing, you name it I saw. Ghost opens a door and carries me in and I hit my head on the door frame and hiss,
"Ow! I'm going to make you pay for that, you old bastard."
Ghost sets me on a chair facing an office desk with a man standing behind it. He has mutton chops that you can clearly tell he grooms every day. He's wearing a combat uniform and an army green bucket-looking hat. Almost like a fishing hat. Ghost sighs as he plops down on the other seat,
"What do we do with her, captain?" He sounds irritated. He walks towards me and then at Ghost,
"Why is she tied up like this?"
"She ran away from us and climbed a tree. I couldn't let her get away sir." Ghost sounds tired and pissed. I glare at this so-called captain.
"Hmph. What's your name kid?" He kneels in front of me. I glare into his eyes as my pupils thin to almost nothing as I start growling. He stands up with his hands up showing he's not going to attack,
"Woah kid I'm not going to hurt ya. Let's restart, I'm Captain John Price of Task Force 141 and you are?"
"I don't have a name" I growl through gritted teeth.
"Well, that won't do at all." Price stands up as he looks down at me,
"We'll have to pick a name for ya since you'll be living with us for now."
Ghost stands up, "you can't be serious Price"
Price smiles as he kneels down again as he pets my head,
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell.
Price stops as he stands up,
"Simon she has nowhere else to go. And she is clearly traumatized." Price looks over to me. I glare at him not wanting to stay here any longer.
"Where's Soap by the way?"
"He's probably sleeping already, lucky bastard"
Price walks up to me and takes out a knife to cut my ropes off me. As the rope falls to the ground I pull my shirt down and pull my feet on the chair and under the oversized shirt. I wrap my tail around me trying to cover me.
"Ghost, you're dismissed. I'll deal with the kid." Ghost leaves.
"Let's get you some clothes now kiddo" he offers out his hand but I don't take it. I stand up on my own as I glare at him.
"Now don't go running off now. I don't want to have to chase ya around this place" he chuckles as he opens the door. He leads me to a room full of equipment and clothes. He rummages through some boxes before he hands me some sweat pants and a short sleeve shirt. Both of which are black with white words spelling out, "Task Force 141".
"Ya can change into them in the ladies shower room. I'll take ya over there." We walk through more hallways before reaching a sign, "Women's Shower". . I walk past some stalls and sinks before I see two walls lined with shower heads. I place my new clothes on the sink counter before taking off the oversized shirt. I turn on the shower and quickly take a step into the stream bracing myself for a freezing shower. Instead I'm met with hot water pouring down my body. I feel my body relax after I wince in pain caused by my burns as the water warms me for the first time. After 15 minutes of trying to wash my long matted hair I decided to cut it with my claws. It takes one swipe of my claw to cut my hair. I finish washing as I wrap myself in a towel and head for the sinks. I wipe the mirror with my hand to see my hair, it falls a little above my chin. I run my hands through it as I look at myself in the mirror. I turn away and dry myself off and put on the new clothes. I dry my hair the best I can with the towel before I work on my tail. The clothes are a little big but comfortable. I walk out of the shower room to see Price leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and his eyes shut. I watch him as I slowly walk backwards away from him.
"Who let you out of your cage, freak?" I hear behind me making Price wake up. I turn around to see three soldiers walking up to me, not seeing their captain in the corner. Before I can react one of them grabs me by the collar of my shirt and punches me in the face. I get pushed back into a wall from the hit. I touch my mouth and look at my hand seeing blood. I look up to see Price holding my attacker by the throat pinning him to the wall. The others stand in shock as they watch Price yell and threaten their comrade. When he's done he drops him and they walk away looking back once in a while glaring at me. I stand up and wipe the blood from my mouth and chin with my hand.
"Are ya alright kid? Price grabs my arms as he looks at my face seeing a bruise start to form around the corner of my mouth.
I nod pushing Price's chest away from me as I head to the shower room. I stand at the mirror holding the counter to hold me up as I stare inside the sink. I look up and see blood smeared on my face with a red mark the size of a fist on the right side of my face. I touch my face with shaking hands to touch the bruise making me wince. I grab a rag and wet it with some water and start rubbing the blood from my face. When I'm finished I just stare at the sink with a bloody rag in it.
"You alright kiddo?"
Price walks in the women's shower room making me break my trance. I stare at his feet,
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I'll make sure they never hurt you again princess, okay?" Price caresses my cheek and I turn away as I wipe the tears from my face. My voice cracks as I stare at the ground,
"Can...can I sleep now?" I fidget with my tail sheepishly.
"Of course I'll show you to an empty bunk room." Price offers his hand out to me, I hesitate before grabbing his hand. Maybe he's not that bad if he stood up for me. But I still don't fully trust him. His hand is big compared to mine and his is rough with calluses. We walk out of the showers as he leads me down more hallways.
"There's an empty bunk next to mine if you'd be more comfortable. Otherwise there is..."
"Yours" I say a little too fast as I stare at the ground embarrassed and surprised by myself for wanting to be in the next room over. Price is shocked that I answered so fast and that I wanted to sleep next to his bunk. He smiles down at me,
"Alrighty kid, well head towards your temporary bed for now."
Price opens the door to my new bunk and I see two twin sized beds on either side of the room. I let go of price's hand and walk over to the right bed and sit on it. I rub my hands on the blanket before I lift the covers up and crawl under them. My head rubs against the pillow as I start purring. I close my eyes as my tail wraps around my waist keeping me warm.
"Good night kid" Price says before shutting the door.

Cat-Hybrid Task Force 141
FanfictionGhost finds you in a cell on one of his missions. The only thing is...your a cat hybrid with cat eyes, a black fluffy tail, and cat ears on the top of your head. * This is my first fanfiction I've written, so im sorry if it's not the best. Ps if yo...