Part 10
As the days pass by, Price, Soap, and Ghost all help with my physical therapy. I hate going but having them there helps a bit. There's only two more days left until I'm supposed to leave the base. The last few days i've been in my assigned bunk alone hugging my pillow sobbing. I hiss at everyone to get away and leave me alone while I stay hidden in my pillow. I'm laying in my room hugging my pillow terrified of the coming days. There's a knock at the door,
"Go away" I say into my pillow. The door opens anyway. I sigh and push my head further into the pillow. Someone sits on the bed and places a hand on my back,
"Come on princess you shouldn't coop yourself up in here. Why don't we go for a ride together? Does that sound fun kiddo?" Price asks in a gentle tone.
I shake my head no. Price starts rubbing my back,
"Come on y/n..."
"Just leave me alone." I hiss the pillow muffling my voice. I hear Price sigh as he gets up and opens the door. He looks back at me,
"You know I love you right?"
My breath gets caught in my throat, I've never heard those words said to me before. I bite down on the pillow trying to fight the urge to sob. Price closes the door and my body relaxes before I scream into the pillow and sob.
The last day of freedom and I'm laying on the bed staring at the wall. No tears will fall from my drained puffy eyes anymore. I haven't eaten in two days since I don't feel hungry. Soap, Price, and Ghost knock and walk in before I can answer my usual response, "go away".
"Ya gotta eat something lassie" Soap says as he hands me a granola bar. My back is towards them ignoring them. I feel the bed sink as someone sits on the edge and rest their hand on my arm.
"Come on y/n, ya gotta eat. Ya haven't eaten for two days now, this isn't healthy." Ghost adds as he sits on the bed.
I move away from Ghost and closer to the wall. I hear him sigh as he moves his hand away.
"Price you talk to her."
Ghost gets up so Price can sit on the bed,
"Hey princess..." he reaches over and places a hand on my shoulder. I jerk it away but he puts his hand back.
"*sigh* come on least eat a granola bar."
I stare at the wall knowing if I had any tears left they would be rolling down my face.
"Just leave already, you'll be doing that tomorrow. It won't be that hard for you guys." I hug my pillow tighter, breaking the hearts of everyone in the room, including my own.
"We don't want ya ta leave either lass."
"We don't have a say in the matter y/n".
"Please don't say that princess, we feel the same way as you."
"You gained my trust and now you're just abandoning me...just like the scientists." I say before covering my face with my pillow.
"We are nothing like those filthy bloody bastards!" Ghost yells.
Soap places a hand on ghosts shoulder.
"Be easy on ta lass Ghost".
Ghost sighs before leaving the room. My body tenses up as the door slams shut behind him.
"Ignore him little lass, he isn't very good with his emotions. He tends ta be angry when his sad." Soap rubs my back as he speaks.
"Why don't you two do the same and leave already" I say angrily. But in reality I don't want them to leave, I want to hug them until I leave. But this way it might be easier for me to leave. If I act mad at them they'll forget about me faster, hopefully anyway. Price grabs me and pulls me into a hug as I try and push away from him yelling,
"Get away. Get away." I push against his chest but he's too strong against me. He lays his head on my shoulder and strokes my hair. I stop fighting as I sob tearlessly into his chest.
"I don't want to leave" I sob into prices chest as I wrap my arms around him.
"I know princess, none of us wants you to leave."I continue sobbing until I fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up full of anxiety. Someone knocks on my door and enters, Price.
"Didn't think ya were awake yet kiddo." Price sits at the edge of the bed and opens his arms waiting. I lean against him wrapping my arms around him.
"We've gotta get you packed princess."
I shake my head no on his chest.
"I know. Do you want me to do it?"
I shake my head no,
"I don't want to go." I whisper.
"*sigh* I don't either but you know none of us have a say. I'll pack your bag real quick and then we can cuddle for the rest of the day. Sound fair?"
I shrug as Price let's go of me.
I hug my pillow facing towards the wall as I hear Price backing my duffle bag. Price finishes quickly since I don't have much stuff, it's mostly clothes. Price pulls me into a hug and leans agains the wall, I rest my head on his chest as he lays his head on the top of mine. He starts rocking side to side as we hug. I wrap my tail around us as I start to purr. After a few minutes I hear the door open and close before I feel Ghost and Soap join the hug. Before I know it, I hear everyones radios go off in their ear pieces,
"Price bring the hybrid to the helicopter pad immedietly."
I tighten my grip around Price and nestle my head trying to get closer to him. Price strokes my hair,
"*sigh* It's time princess. Come on." Everyone gets off the bed and hugs me goodbye.
"I'm going ta miss ya little lassie"
"We're all going to miss ya, y/n"
Price picks me up and carries me and my bag out of the room. I nestle my face in his neck as he walks me to my soon to be new hell.

Cat-Hybrid Task Force 141
FanfictionGhost finds you in a cell on one of his missions. The only thing is...your a cat hybrid with cat eyes, a black fluffy tail, and cat ears on the top of your head. * This is my first fanfiction I've written, so im sorry if it's not the best. Ps if yo...