Home? (5)

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Part 5 

A couple of weeks passed and i'm still juggling the idea of having a place I could feel safe at, maybe even call home. I pace my room every morning and night thinking of every possibility through my head.

My minor cuts and bruises have healed but the gash on my back and leg are still bandaged over. Every once in awhile I will unknowingly start scratching my leg,

"Hey stop that, little one" Ghost says with a gentle tone with a hint of sterness as he grabs my wrist stopping me.

"Sorry...it itches really bad" I mumble as I hug my knees on the couch in Prices office. I'm in Prices office almost all the time while Soap and Ghost are either on missions, working, or unable to see me. But I don't mind it at all. Price has gifted me a few books to help pass the time; they are mostly fairy tales, but I love them. Especially the one about the princess who was kidnapped and kept in a tall tower. As Price works on his work I will either crawl under his desk and read, sit on one of the couches in front of his desk, or if im able i'll climb onto his lap. But most of the time when I read on his lap I end up falling asleep.

Eventually on the night of day 16 of being rescued from the lab I open Prices door slowly to peak in.

"Come on in princess" Price says not even looking up from his papers. I walk inside and close the door behind me before I walk in front of Prices desk, which I don't usually do. I usually walk straight up to Price and ask him something. I'm fidgeting with my tail as I stare at the floor with my ears twitching in anxiety. I hear Price place his glasses down before he looks up at me,

"What's on ya mind kiddo?"

"Um... I decided"

"Decided what?" Price asks walking over to me. He kneels down next to me and turns me to look at him as he holds my hands.

"Um...I want a home...with you..." I sheepishly say as I twist my tail painfully.

"Ya would!? Oh that's fantastic kiddo. Okay I'll send the papers today". Price hugs me again tightly. He grabs the file and letter before offering his hand out to me. I hug his arm as we walk through the hallways. There aren't a lot of soldiers out at this time of the night, which I enjoy. I don't have to hear them whispering about me. Price sends the papers and we head to my bunk. He covers me up in the blanket as I fall asleep. He walks out and into his bunk and plops down instantly falling asleep.

"Pst Ghost come here." I hear Soap whisper to Ghost as he slowly opens my door.

"Look at the las sleeping. Doesn't she look so cozy. Ya almost forget that she ran from us and climbed that bloody tree." Soap laughs to himself silently.

I wake up rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I see light pouring into my room.

"Soap you idiot you woke her up" Ghost whisper yells as he hits the back of Soaps head.

"Ow! I didn't mean to."

I stare at them through the crack from my bed. Soap opens the door more rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry fa waken ya little lassie." Soap sits on the edge of the bed. While Ghost stands in in the doorway leaning against the frame with his arms crossed.

"Morning kid" he mumbles.

I look between the two not knowing what to say or do.

"Ya hungry? We were heading that way."

Bull, i know their bunks are close to the mess hall. Meaning they walked all the way over here. I nod my head yes as I get out of bed. I'm wearing an oversized short sleeve shirt with shorts. I put on a sweatshirt and sweats on over my shorts before leaving. Soap walks out of the room as Ghost moves from the doorway. Ghost is on my right side eyeing down any soldiers that stare at me while Soap walks on my left. We enter the mess hall and start eating. As we're finishing up Ghost and Soaps radios go off,

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