The First Day Out (3)

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Part 3 

Ghost and Soap walk over to Price's office at 0600 to discuss what to do with me. Ghost knocks on the door,

"Come in"

Ghost and Soap stand in front of Prices desk as he's working on paper work. He takes his reading glasses off before he looks up,

"This is about the kid right?"

"Yes sir. What's going to happen to her, we can't let her out into society like that." Ghost asks.

"Yes I know I've been trying to fill out some paperwork that will let me adopt her." Price says this pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly.

"Wait ya going to adopt the kitten" soap asks as he places his hands on prices desk.

"I've been trying to, but this paperwork is taking forever."

"Sir, are you sure you want to do this? We just brought her back last night" Ghost looks at him with a concerned look.

"Yes, I made up my mind last night. She doesn't have anyone else I looked over her file's horrible." Price looks on his desk moving papers and files looking for something,

"Ah here is it" he hands Ghost a file named, "Subject 023". He opens it and sees a picture of me when I was younger in a small dog cage.

"She's 20!? I thought she was at most 17." Soap exclaims reading the file.

"Yes, that's why it's so difficult to adopt her. She's an adult according to the law, but she's never lived on her own. She's never had a parental figure showing her what's right and wrong."

"Where is she going to stay? I know you don't live around here and we're always moving." Ghost looks up from the file to Price.

"She'll live at the base until I figure something out." Price rubs his chin as he thinks.

"Has the lass seen a doctor yet, she has some injures that need looked at." Soap says as he reads the file.

"No but i'll bring her in today." Price rubs his face before speaking again,

"Now don't do anything rash after I tell you this, Simon."

"Why did something happen?" Ghost looks up at Price quickly.

"A soldier punched her last night." Price rubs his eyes with his fingers, tired.

"Who" Ghost growls.

"I already dealt with it, Ghost."

"Where is the lass now" soap looks around the room.

"She's in bunk C24"

Ghost and Soap leave Prices office and head towards the bunk I'm in. Ghost open the door to my bunk and sees me curled up under the blankets. The blankets vibrate slightly from my purring. Ghost slowly closes the door and sits down next to the door as he waits for me to wake up. Soap sits on the other side of the door guarding the door. I stir in my sleep before I wake up at 0800. I stretch as I stand reaching towards the ceiling as my tail straightens out behind me. I run my fingers through my hair combing it a little. I turn the light on. Something clicks in my mind before I sit in the corner facing the door. This is all I know what to do, wake up and sit and wait for someone to come in to either torture or experiment on me. I stay completely still as I sit on my knees with my arms wrapped around me like I'm in a straight jacket. My tail covering my waist. Ghost and Soap see the light turn on and wait for a couple minutes before knocking.

"Hey lass can we come in?"

I stay silent knowing if I say anything at all I'll be punished for it. Soap knocks again before silently opening it,

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