𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐅𓂃 I could've gone my entire immortal life without living through that lunch period. Bruce's friends were assholes, how does he deal with them?! Is Bruce the only werewolf who isn't an asshole? My brain hurts from all these questions.

Whatever, focus on class Finney. Right as I ended that train of thought, the teacher walked in.. and she did not look happy, typical demon.

“Alright! Everyone sit down, shut up, and pay attention because I am not explaining this more than once!” she shouted, that's one way to make an entire class hate you.

I rested my head on the palm of my left hand, listening to everything the teacher said.. it was so boring. I got the sudden feeling that someone was staring at me, I turned to my right. Sure enough, two of those assholes from earlier were staring daggers at me.

I think their names were Billy and Vance? Don't remember, don't care. I held eye contact with them for a minute before they both looked back up front, I scoffed and turned my attention back to the front as well.

Something hit the back of my head.

I looked down, a crumbled up piece of paper? What the hell. I picked it up and opened it, it read:

“Finn? Why were those two looking at you?”


I took a quick glance at my sister who was a few seats away from me, she was focused on what the teacher was saying. I picked up my pencil and wrote my response.

“I actually have no idea, but they didn't look happy with me.”

I crumbled it up again and tossed it back to her when the teacher turned around to write on the chalkboard.

I watched as she opened it, read my response, and began writing.

“Maybe they're mad because you called them assholes?”

She tossed it back, I caught it this time and opened it then began to read it. I mean, she could be right, but getting mad over a name? Kinda pathetic if you ask me.

I wrote down my response and tossed it back.

“Well if they are, that's their problem. Now let's focus before we get in trouble okay?”

I watched as she read it then stuffed the paper into her pocket, that was the end of that I guess. We both turned our attention back to the teacher, who was blabbing on about the history of each species and other boring things.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐁𝐒 𓂃 I do not like that guy. He called us assholes for the way we greeted him, who does that?! He can fuck off if he doesn't like it. Apparently he's friends with Bruce now so we can't really do anything, even if Bruce isn't our leader he's still one of the stronger werewolves along with Vance.

I don't need my ass handed to me so I'll leave the guy alone, I can't say the same for Vance and Rob though. Especially Robin, he looked pretty offended and acted out on that feeling during lunch.

“Mr. Showalter! Pay attention unless you want to fail and be useless!” the teacher scolded, looking in my direction and pointing her ruler at me, fucking bitch. My eyes began to glow and I growled at her, flipping her off.

( God he looks like one of those cringe furry's there I'm sorry 😭 )

She rolled her eyes and went back to teaching, I could hear her mutter something about how irritating teenagers are and that she doesn't get payed enough to teach us.

Are you wondering how I heard that if she's far from me? Ultrasonic hearing. A pro to being a werewolf, I can hear anything from a far away distance, in fact all werewolves can.

We can also shapeshift in an actual wolf whenever we want, but it's hella painful. It only hurts because our bones have to break and reconstruct into wolf bones.

We do have one weakness though, which I will not be telling you. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

I don't like Finney. I barely even know the guy and he already gave me a reason to dislike him.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐆 𓂃 That lunch experience was so awkward. Those werewolves were assholes, except for the one who was with Finney when we got there, he's cool and not a dick like the other three!

Why were they being so mean anyway? Eh whatever. They didn't do anything to me but that one fleabag hurt Finney, I am not letting that slide, luckily I did some research on werewolves a while back for a class project.

I know their one weakness, they have ultrasonic hearing so I know just the thing to get back at them for being mean. I just need a plan.. I'll let the others know of my idea after school.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐅 𓂃 Finally this hell was over. Griffin texted our group chat during our free period saying he wanted to talk to us about something, I wonder what that little demon spawn has planned.

I exited the school building and headed towards the shady spot where I usually met up with my friends, sure enough they were there waiting for me. I walked up to them and waved, “hey guys! Sorry I'm kinda late, crowded halls.”

They immediately understood, “it's okay Finn! We would've waited anyway.” Donna smiled, I returned it. What? I'm not rude, how could you not return a smile if one is directed at you?

“Okay so, Griffin.. you said you had something to talk to us about?” Gwen said, Griffin had the most devious smirk on his face, what is this little punk planning? He rubbed his hands together like some kind of evil professor.

“You know how one of those werewolves were a bit rough with Finn earlier?” he questioned, looking at each of us. Donna, Gwen, and I looked at each other with suspicious looks before turning back to him and nodding our heads.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐆𝐁 𓂃 What is this little spawn of satan planning? Why am I even asking that, he's always planning some kind of prank or something chaotic. What's the perfect way to describe him? I'll tell you, a little ball of chaos.

All I can say is..

We were not prepared for what he told us, but we were definitely down for it.

A/N: Ouuu .. what's Griffin planning ? 👀

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now