𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧

𓂃 Robin was stabbed in the chest with a silver dagger, everyone knows silver is a werewolf's weakness. Even the strongest of wolves surrender to silver. Despite being stabbed, the boy fought.

He fought until he could no longer hold himself up enough to stand let alone throw a punch. It didn't matter, Moose was dead, his little goons retreated for the forest. Robin lay on the ground slowly bleeding out.

The others were still chained, Vance was seeing red, Billy was mad but not as much as Vance was. Bruce couldn't process, he was frozen with tears in his eyes. Donna had tears streaming down her face, as did Gwen. Griffin had his head down with his eyes squeezed shut.

Finney immediately rushed to Robin's side, during his time in that hellhole he figured out his developed feelings for the wolf boy, he didn't give a single fuck if they were a different species, or two leaders. All he knew was that he loved Robin.

“Robin.. come on, stay with me! Don't close your eyes!” Finney frantically cried out, lifting Robin to rest against his chest. Robin groaned in pain and looked up at him through blurry and spotted vision.

Not only had Finney developed feelings for Robin, but Robin had developed feelings for Finney as well, since the first day they met. The boy was just afraid to admit it.. and now, it was probably too late.

“Finn..” Robin mumbled weakly, looking up at the pale boy with tired golden yellow eyes. “We're going to get you help, just please stay awake!” the brunette begged, tears began to pool in his eyes but he wouldn't dare to let them fall.

“It's too late.. I'm dying Finn.” Robin said, looking down at the wound that was bleeding heavily. It has gotten worse due to him fighting back after being stabbed. Finney shook his head, “no you aren't, you won't, I'm not letting that happen.” he said in a shaky voice, knowing deep down there was no way to help Robin.

Finney turned around to hear the sound of chains rustling. He was met with the sight of three wolves running their way. Billy, Bruce, and Vance were nowhere in sight. The three large wolves crowded around the two.

Finney backed away to give them space with Robin, the wolves were letting out dog like whining sounds, two of them lay beside Robin and the other sat beside him. Finney watched as Robin looked at each of them, saying some things in a language he didn't understand, but judging by the wolves' reaction he guessed they did.

By now the other vampires had escaped their chains and ran over, standing with Finney. Robin slowly turned towards Finney, “Finn.. come here.” he said, holding his hand out. Within seconds, the brunette was by his side.

“I need to tell you something before I go.” Robin said, Finney's attention was immediately on him. “I'm listening, what is it?” Finney whispered. By now the other wolves sat beside the vampires, all of them watched the two.

“I never realized this until it was too late.. but Finn, I like you. I like you a lot.. romantically.. and I'm sorry I won't get to be with you, but I wanted you... to know that before I'm gone.” Robin struggled to speak, looking up at Finney as tears pooled in both their eyes.

I like you too Robin, a lot. I'm sorry it has to end like this, and I'm sad I'll never see you again. But I promise we will reunite one day.” Finney croaked, his voice was breaking slowly.

“In another universe, I love you Finn..” Robin whispered.

I love you more.” Finney said, smiling softly as Robin slowly began to close his eyes.

Eventually, the boy took his final breath in Finney's arms, Finney sobbed quietly and held the boy close to his chest, muttering apologies over and over. He wished it didn't have to be this way, he wished he could go back in time and take Robin's place.

He didn't want Robin to go, but the world was cruel. He was robbed of any chance at love.

“In another universe..” Finney whispered, placing a kiss on Robin's forehead before gently laying the body in the grass. He stood up and backed away, giving the others a chance to mourn and say goodbye. The werewolves had lost their leader, they would remain leaderless until another leader was born.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐅 𓂃 It's been two months since Robin was killed. We made it back to town 2 days after the whole incident. The wolf boys informed their pack of Robin's passing, none of them took it well. Vance took it the hardest, he was Robin's childhood best friend, his second in command. The only one who understood him.

A ceremony and burial was held for Robin 3 days after we returned. All of us stopped going to school, we mourned together as friends. We're there for each other when one of us is having a difficult day or thinking of Robin.

I would never see him again, I confessed my love for him too late. He's gone, and I can't accept it. It felt like a piece of me was missing, even though I haven't known him for longer than two months, it felt like we knew each other our entire lives.

Today we planned on visiting his gravesite. His pack created a beautiful burial plot for him, it was decorated with candles, their traditional stones were placed in two lines creating a path to his headstone. His favorite flowers decorated the area.

One of his favorite quotes was engraved in the silver stone.

It read,

“You only have one life to live, take the risks and make it your best.”

I couldn't describe a more fitting quote, it was perfect.

I knew he was waiting for me, and I was waiting for the day I'd see him again. But for now, I'll continue to live my life to the fullest, knowing one day we would reunite. We may not have gotten the chance to be with each other, but I know we will.

In another universe.

Two different species, had fallen in love and would forever remain that way, even if one was no longer here. Nothing could destroy our growing love for each other.

I wouldn't let that happen, Robin was my true love, and I would stay loyal to him until the day we will finally reunite. Deep down I knew, my heart belonged to one person only.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now