𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐁𝐘 𓂃 It had been a few hours now, everyone was full from the meal.. still no sign of Finney or Robin. I was worried, were they alive? We had no way of knowing, and like I said, Vance was our best shot at tracking them. He could easily catch Robin's scent, but we can't just blindly walk in and demand them back.

After all, we had no idea who we were up against, they kept their identity well hidden. I just hope they're okay.. and not trying to kill each other. I've noticed that they don't really get along, I'm pretty sure Vance noticed to.

Speaking of Vance.. he's been the most concerned about my leg than anyone else, he's constantly checking on me and if I'm being honest.. I really appreciate it. He tries to hide his concern but I can see it, he keeps his 'tough guy' act up around the others, but around me he's different.. still the feisty Vance but not as aggressive and loud. He's quite the opposite actually, he's gentle, calm, and quiet.. it's definitely something to get used to.

Anyway, enough ranting about Vance, that's odd. I look up and notice that Finney's friends are a bit distant and quiet, I stand up and limp over to them.

“Hey.. are you guys okay?” I question, glancing between all of them until one of them answer, “we're fine, just worried about Finney.” the smaller boy responds, I think his name is Griffin.

“We'll find him and Robin, don't worry.” I reassured, giving him a slight smile which he returned. I was about to walk away when something crossed my mind, Finney was wearing a bandaid last time I saw him.. I decided to ask his sister.

“Hey uh.. Gwen? I've got a question, why was Finney wearing a bandaid on his cheek? I'm just curious.” I could see her visibly grow anxious and this got me thinking. I guess she noticed the gears of my mind turning in search for the answer.

“I can't tell you with all these creatures around.” Gwen gestured to my friends who I could tell were listening from a distance away, but they were acting like they were occupied by other things. “We can talk about it in my den, it's soundproof for some odd reason.” I offered, I could see her think about it for a second before she nodded and got up.

I lead the way to my den so we could talk.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐅 𓂃 I'm fucking starving. Whoever this asshole is continues to only feed Robin, I have to sit here and watch while Robin devours the food he's given. He doesn't even spare me a glance or at least offer some.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the door opens with a loud creak, I could see Robin cover his ears through my peripheral vision. The dude walked up to me, “here, it took a while but we finally found suitable food for you. Whatever you are.” the unknown person said, we still haven't figured out their Identity. I looked at it and realized it was blood, I immediately began to drink it.

“Filthy creature.” I heard the person mutter under their breath before they exited the room, I could sense Robin's eyes on me. I stopped drinking the blood for a moment to look at him. “What? I gotta eat too you know.” he rolled his eyes and looked away, I scoffed and went back to drinking the blood I desperately needed by now.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐑 𓂃 It hasn't even been a full day yet and I'm sick of whoever this asshole is. Sure he gives me food but it's burnt, and gross. I need to get back to the boys. What the hell will other werewolves think if they find out the leader was captured?! That won't look good on my part!

Calm down Robin.. you'll get out, and I guess that blood sucker will too. I may be a bit of a jerk but I'm no monster, I ain't leaving him here. There's something almost.. unsettling about him, I got to admit he looked fucking terrifying some minutes ago while he was drinking whatever blood that dude gave him.

He was being aggressive and had a disturbing look on his face, a look of lust for murder almost. I'm getting chills just thinking about it, at least he's back to normal now. From my peripheral vision I can see him get up. “What are you doing?” I questioned as I looked at him, raising a brow.

“Looking for a way to get out of here, instead of sitting around.” he replied, looking at me before looking around the room. I tried to stifle a laugh at his expression, his nose was scrunched and his eyes were squinted. “Having trouble seeing your surroundings, bloodsucker?” I laughed and he glared at me.

“Shut your ass up, my night vision isn't as enhanced as yours.” he responded and held up his middle finger in my direction, I copied that action. “That's a problem.. for you.” I snickered as I stood up, looking around. I could hear him grumble as he walked towards the other side of the room, looking around.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐆𝐒 𓂃 I wonder where Finney is.. I hope he's okay. We haven't had any luck contacting him like we normally do. And the werewolf boys seem to be more worried for Robin, I wonder why.. I mean yeah he's their friend, but I'm curious if there's another reason they're so worried.

I look up to notice the blonde one walking over to us, Vance I think. He's scary I won't lie, but we're stronger. “Oi, I need someone to stay here with Bruce. He can barely walk and we don't have time for anyone to be slowing us down, we're going to look for Robin and Finney.”

I looked at my friends who were sitting beside me, they looked at each other then at me. I glanced up at Vance and he looked like he was losing his patience, “I will.” I said, he nodded. “About time one of you answered. The rest of you, let's go.” Donna and Gwen got up as Billy jogged over to us.

I watched as Vance led them towards the exit of the den, it was just me and Bruce now. I looked over at him, he was looking down at his leg.. he looked a bit upset. I dragged myself over to him.

“Bruce.. are you okay?” I asked as he looked up at me. He smiled slightly and nodded his head. “I'm fine, just a bit upset that I can't be any help at the moment. I feel like I disappointed the others.” I frowned, sitting on the floor in front of him.

“You didn't disappoint anyone, it's not your fault you got hurt. I'm sure the others are just concerned for you and Robin, and Finney.. so their emotions are everywhere.” I said, hoping it at least reassured him a little.

I suppose it did because he smiled more and said, “yeah.. you're right, thank you for that Griffin. I needed to hear it.” I smiled at him.

Maybe these wolves aren't so bad.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now