𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

(Since the book is almost over, Vance and Bruce got together a couple weeks after the last chapter 😇)

𝐅 𓂃 It's been a whole fucking month. I'm starting to think the others gave up on looking for us, but I think I figured out who this random person who captured us is.

On the bright side, Robin and I have gotten close, we trust each other. We're not always insulting each other either thank fuck. He's been working nonstop to dig us out of here, and today he finally managed to make a whole that leads back to the outside world.

Right now we're currently getting ready to escape this hellhole.

“Finn, are you ready to go?” Robin asked, sometime over the past month he created a nickname for me, and honestly I like it. It's.. what's the word? Cool? Yeah, that.

I turn to him and nod my head, my curls bouncing as I did so. We both took a quick glance at the door before quietly sneaking to the vent, somehow that guy hasn't noticed the cover missing. I watch as Robin steps out the way, letting me go first.

I crouch down on my hands and knees, crawling into the tight space, almost immediately dirt begins to cover my already dirty clothes. I can hear Robin behind me, I have to admit this is kind of embarrassing, he's basically on my ass.

Luckily the tunnel isn't that big so it doesn't take us long to reach the exit, as soon as I spot the light in the distance, I'm hit with instant relief.

We got out, we're finally free.

I stand up once we're out the tunnel, letting the cool breeze of approaching autumn blow past me, I've never been so happy to be outside. I move aside as I hear Robin behind me.

“Move your ass so I can stand up.” he says, I scoff and move out the way, I watch as he stands up and looks around. A small smile makes its presence known on his face.

I've never seen a sight so majestic.
Wait, what? I'm not gay.

“Never thought I'd see the outside world again.” he says, looking at me. I hum in agreement.

“Me neither, it's amazing to be free.” I respond, he laughs. We both turn our attention to our surroundings for a bit before we hear a noise in the distance.

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐕 𓂃 We've been walking through this goddamn forest all day. The others are complaining behind me but I'm ignoring them. I'm determined to find Robin and Finney because I've got a gut feeling we're close.

“Vaaaance! We've been walking all day, can't we take a quick break?!” Griffin complains, dragging the 'A' in my name. I turn to look at him, with my signature glare. “You can, but if you do I'm leaving you here for the other creatures to eat you.” I say with a smug grin, he immediately shuts up and continues walking.

I turn back around to face forward, knowing I won. I hear distant talking and immediately stop in my tracks, the others stop as well. Billy is about to say something when I turn to him and place my index finger over my lips in a 'be quiet' motion. He stops and has a confused expression.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now