𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐑 𓂃 That was probably one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Why did I let him get away with it? I'm the leader of werewolves for fucks sake, does he not know that?! Probably because I keep my mark hidden, whatever.

Eventually the boys and I are able to recover from the loud ringing in our ears and we stumble to our feet, walking out the room to see those blood suckers again.

"What the fuck was that for?" Vance demanded, I could see his eyes glowing from the corner of my own. He was pissed, I didn't plan on stopping him until I could see Bruce approaching from the distance. That goody two shoes has a thing for the hothead so I had to keep him from killing Bruce's new friends.

"Just a little payback!" one of them said, I think his name was Finney, I could sense that he was different from the other vampires, but I couldn't figure out why. "Payback? For what?!" I scowled, he crossed his arms and walked closer to me, I backed up until my back met the cold lockers.

"For what you did at lunch." he whispered in my ear, it sent shivers down my spine for some reason. I snapped out of whatever state I was in and shoved him away. "Hey! Personal space blood sucker." he laughed and walked back to his little group.

"Hey guys! Woah, what are all of you doing together?" Bruce said as he walked up to us, the other wolves and I looked at him. I glanced at Vance with a look that said:

'should we tell him?'

He responded by shaking his head, I scoffed and turned back to Bruce. "Hey Bruce, we were just uh.. catching up, y'know since.. we're practically all friends now?" Billy said, Vance and I looked at him like he was crazy. Us? Friends with those pricks?! No way.

'I panicked!' Billy mouthed silently while looking between me and Vance, I took a quick look at the vampires, they also were looking at Billy like he was crazy.

"Ohh, cool! What were you guys talking about then?" Bruce questioned with a smile. "Just getting to know each other, names, species, y'know?" I said, going along with Billy's lie but I was so going to kill him after school.

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𝐁𝐘 𓂃 My friends are terrible liars, I wonder what they were actually talking about. Whatever, as long as they're somewhat getting along that's alright with me.

"Well I was actually going to ask if everyone wanted to hang out after school? Since we're basically a giant friend group now, why not hang out?" I asked, looking at everyone for any form of response. Finney and his friends agreed, they looked excited.

I took a glance at my own, Billy just shrugged his shoulders and nodded, "whatever." Vance gave a single nod, and Robin gave the same response as Billy.

Okayyy.. definitely not awkward. Thank god the bell rang after that conversation. My friends and I covered our ears at the bell, ouch. "That bell is fucking annoying!" Vance said, scowling at the bell like it was taunting him.

"Tell me about it." Billy, Robin, and I said in sync, we all looked at each other with 'wtf' expressions. "Weirdos." Vance said, Robin nudged his shoulder. "Let's just get to class, Finney, you and your friends can meet us after school to plan the hangout okay? Same place we were at lunch!" I said, offering a friendly smile.

Finney gave a thumbs up and a smile as he walked away with his friends. My friends and I had history together, which happened to be our final class of the day. We made our way to the classroom on the second floor, I held the door open instinctively as we all filed in.

"Boys, you're all late." the teacher scowled, I did not like him. He was always so rude and thought his species was superior to all the others.

I bet you're wondering what he is? A centaur. The second to last on the power chain, werewolves like me and my friends are a rank higher than centaurs, but of course he has to act like he's better than us when the truth is he isn't.

Robin growled at the teacher and walked over to his seat, we followed and went to our seats we well. "We were talking to some friends, calm your horse ass down." Vance said, it made us laugh.

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𝐕 𓂃 It's always so fun to piss this teacher off, his facial expressions are priceless. "Hopper! Don't make me send you to the office!" horse face shouted at me, I was quick to respond obviously.

"I'll rip your throat out before you get the chance." I smirked with teeth, showing off my fangs, my eyes began to glow for extra effect. He visibly tensed up.

"..let's just begin the lesson class, boys pay attention." he said, beginning to talk about the lesson as he wrote on the chalkboard.

"Nice one." Robin whispered with a quiet laugh, I snickered and we fist bumped. What? He's my childhood best friend.

I'm so bored, and my ears still hurt. I took a quick glance at Bruce to see what he was doing. He was focused on the teachers lecture, his eyebrows slightly furrowed and completely focused overall.

I've always had a small thing for him, but I'll never admit that because it's wrong.. I think. Men can't like other men, I was raised that way. What would my dad think?

𓆩 𖤐 𓆪

𝐁𝐒 𓂃 Vance is so painfully obvious it hurts. He's practically drooling over Bruce right now, how does Bruce not see it?! He's probably one of the most oblivious wolves that I know!

Whatever, I'll let those hopeless romantics have their weird little thing. I can't wait for this class to be over, despite what happened I'm actually excited to hang out with Bruce's other friends.

They seem like cool people when they're not being assholes.

𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now