Chapter 13: Prove You Wrong

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Warning: This chapter contains so much fluff, you will melt. Loljk

Can you let me try?

Tell me its alright, just for one night

Show you how to feel like, what it feels like

To be hugged, to be kissed

Yes, I can be that part of you

I'll try my best

-          Prove You Wrong by He is We

The sunset was beautiful.

As I watched the sky blaze up in hues of orange, pink, purple and blue, I was glad I didn't say no to Dick. I could feel him watching me as I stared with an open mouth at the view that lay before us. Even without looking, I could tell he was smiling at my reaction.

We had landed a few hours ago, and both Dick and I were completely glass- free from the morning's earlier events. When we arrived at Bruce's beach house, though it was more like a mansion, everyone went on their separate ways to settle down. Sometime during the afternoon though, Wally had the bright idea of having a bonfire on the beach (note my sarcasm on the word bright). The whole team seemed excited about it, that is, except for me.

After the last experience we had on the beach and the encounter we just had with Slade, I was more inclined to just stay within the house. Unfortunately, Damian didn't feel the same and went to borrow a pair of swimming trunks from Bart. And I, being his appointed body guard, had no choice but to sigh in resignation and respect his wishes. Which just happened to be a very big inconvenience for me.

Especially since all the girls were trying to persuade me to get into a bathing suit. It was easy for them, prancing around in their two piece and bikinis, because they didn't carry the same scars I did. At least Barbara and Artemis were respecting my wishes. Megan and Cassie were a totally different story. They were really relentless. Finally, Megan mentioned she owned a one-piece that wasn't too revealing, and we made a compromise. Grumbling bloody murder under my breath, I followed them into her room to change.

"This is gonna be so much fun," Cassie gushed as I trailed behind them against my will. Try having a girl with super strength drag you after her and see if you can escape. Her words made me think this would absolutely be not fun.

And I was right.

Not too revealing my ass.

The bathing suit completely exposed most of my back, and the wounds that I received from earlier today were very much visible as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My shoulders were also bare, and the white bandage Dick placed over the burn mark Amazo left was a stark contrast to the navy blue color of the bathing suit.  It was also impossibly low cut in the front, making me feel uncomfortable. Not to mention that my full legs were on display. I had never been so scantily dressed in my entire life.

Megan and Cassie knocked on the door, asking me to come out. After tying my hair back into a pony tail and accepting my fate, I stepped out of the bathroom. Both girls gave me a thumbs up, and I barely had time to catch my breath before they were dragging me to the beach, their hands clamped over my wrist like crabs.

The rest of the team was already there, having went ahead of us already. And yes, everyone was dressed in their trunks and bathing suits. Why are all superheroes so good looking? I wondered as I stared at the people having a great time by the water. Aside from their painstakingly perfect looks and perfect bodies, they almost seemed normal as they laughed and had fun on the beach.

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