Chapter 21: I see what you mean by the plot thickening..

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Angelo turned his head to look at Daniel, not knowing how to feel, just shocked. Daniel dropped his gun, staring at his wound in pure fear.

"Angelo..?" -D

Smitherton was nowhere to be found, the room suddenly filled with gas, as Daniel tried to reach out to Angelo, they both passed out.

They woke up tied to one another, Daniel turned back to look at Angelo, hanging his head down low, silently crying.



Daniel looked at his wings, they were bloody, covered in tape, Angelo shaking violently, Daniel being pressed against his back made the pain worse. Daniel quickly cut through the ropes, cutting Angelo free, rushing to hug him, Angelo pushing him away once he got too close.

"I'm so sorry I.."

Angelo looked at him with a worried look, his hands were shaking violently, he knew he didn't mean to shoot him, but he couldn't express how he felt.

"I'm going to get you out of here, and I promise you. Your wings will be ok" -D

He led Angelo out of the garage, getting him outside, as he grabbed his guns to find Smitherton. Angelo sat outside, slowly removing the tape from his wings. Once it was all off, his wings were very bloody, and weak, with a bullet hole piercing through one of them. Daniel was searching all around the house, knocking stuff over, searching for him all over, no luck. He made it to the rooftop, where he'd seen him, standing on the edge

"I'm not gonna let you have what you want"

he fell off, Daniel trying to shoot him, but it was too late. He was about to hit the ground, when Angelo effortlessly caught him.

"I'm going to make sure your death is as painful as possible." Angelo muttered

"Your death will never be this meaningful"

angelo kills him. using his vampire teeth. (i dont wanna write another chapter 4)


Angelo left him alone, to die bleeding out in a painful way, he ran inside to look for Daniel, thinking he was dead. They met at the bottom of the stairs, and Angelo ran into him, hugging him, crying

"call an ambulance"

In the ambulance, Daniel stayed with Angelo the entire time, holding his hand. Angelo had to spend a few weeks in the hospital, at some points, he nearly didn't make it. Daniel wasn't allowed to visit him during these few weeks, but texted Angelo everyday, making sure he was ok. Once the few weeks past, he was finally able to visit Angelo, he ran into their room, but Angelo was clearly upset.

"His wings are extremely damaged, one more injury and we would've had to amputate them, he's fine, but there's an 80% chance he'll never fly again, and even if he does, they'll break"

" he'll never fly again because of me" -D

"I'm sorry" The nurse left the room, leaving the two alone.

Daniel slowly walked up to him, sitting down next to him. Angelo trying to smile

"..I dont even know..if I deserve to sit next to you" -D

"I dont care about my wings. I'd rip them off if you'd asked me to" -A

"'ll never fly again because of me, arent you mad?" -D

"I'm not mad I'm just..shocked..I'll never fly again.." -A

"I'm so sorry I..I..should've been more careful I was so scared you were gone and I panicked-" -D

"Hey..I dont blame you and I never will, I'm perfectly fine and thats all that matters!" -A

"'re right, should we go now?" -D

"yeah" -A

They walked out the hospital, and walked all the way back to their treehouse. Angelo climbed downstairs, and laid down in bed, Daniel sitting next to him

"you ok?" -D

Angelo didn't respond, he just sat up in bed and held his hair, Daniel sitting next to him, hugging him. Angelo laid on his shoulder and cried.


"..I'll never fly again..I cant..take you places, I cant fly, I cant get away from people quick enough, being able to fly was one of the most special things in my life and I..I just cant..I dont know how to cope with this" -A

Daniel held onto him, as Angelo sobbed into his shoulder, ranting on.

"Let's go train hopping, we haven't done it in so long, maybe that'll cheer you up" -D


They drove off into the sunset

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