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After you agreed to the date - much to Rui's distate- and Tengen leaving - you looked at your son with scolding eyes.

Rui felt fear for the first (second) time in his life.

"So... Who gave you the green flag to curse Rui? Because it certainly wasn't me."

Rui avoided his gaze from yours, his head looking down while he combed his hand through his hair.

The scolding face you once had vanished as you picked him up, him being right on your hip while you covered his face in kisses. Loving kisses.

"But....I can't be mad at you. I'm very proud of you. You defended your mom."

He smiled at your words as he wrapped his arms around your neck, feeling happy that someone was genuinely proud of him.

"Did I do good?"

"Good?! You did great! But don't use that as an advantage. Only when you are defending me or yourself. Alright?"

Rui smiled a bit as he nodded, his white hair bouncing a bit.


With Rui in your grip, you started to walk into the forest. Rui put your hoari over him to protect him from the little rays of sunshine that wasn't blocked by the tall trees.

As if on que, Aki came flying down onto your other shoulder.

"Hm? Are we going too slow? I'll quicken the pace if needed. Don't want the mission to be long."

Aki shook his gead as he sqauked loudly, loud enough to make Rui cover his ears with a scowl inside your hoari.

"No! Master Ubuyashiki wanted me to alert you that you have a meeting with him in two days! The meeting will be at 11 am o'clock!"

You turnt your head sideways, the confusion on your face evident. Why would he have a meeting with you? Is this about the situation with Rui? Or is it because your slaying rate has gone down more than last month?

The one with Rui sounds more reasonable as they won't question your slaying rate. No one ever has.

"This is a personal meeting, but Rui may come! I repeat,  the meeting is in two days at 11 am! You can bring Rui!"

'Ah, so this most likely isn't about Rui. It most likely isn't given that I can bring Rui if I want to. But then, what is the meeting for?'

Sighing, you nodded at Aki as you headed north. You lifted up your hoari a bit to see Rui's eyes staring at yours.

"Rui... do you want to come? It's your choice, really."

Rui nodded as his droopy wyes started to close slowly. Taking the hint, you put the hoari back over him and layed his head on your shoulder.

Rui immediately fell asleep, too tired from arguing with the sound hashira, and too tired to awake from his peaceful slumber.

You chuckled silently as you walked, making sure not to awaken the sleeping boy while walking to your mission.

"To Jivori, we go."

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