Lover girl

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It's been less than two hours of Giyu's department before a familiar set of knocks bangs on your estate's main door.

Without a guess, you opened the door just to be toppled over by the bone- crushing bear hug from Misturi. Your back landed on the ground a bit roughly as the woman on top of you squealed. Her face was buried in between your chest, her squealing muffled by it.

You struggled to breathe as you patted Misturi's back, just to make her squeeze even tighter.

"M-misturi..I can't breathe.."

The love hashira gasped as she pulled herself up. She apologized numerous times while still sitting on you. You gasped for air after her tight hug just to hold your breath when the woman picked you up effortlessly.

"So sorry, Y/n! I just missed y-

"Mom, are you alright!?"

Your son came rushing in the room at the sound of a thud rung in his ears. Rui looked panicked until he seen you in the hands of the green and pink haired woman. The woman looked over your shoulder just to shoot a apologetic look before focusing back on you.

"I have so much of stuff to tell you! But first, I can tell you made food! Is there any left over for me?"

Misturi put you back down as she looked around, eyes prying at the kitchen. She looked back to you with a hopeful gaze, her stomach grumbling a little as she gotten hungry once again.

"I have a little, but it's not enough for you. And I can tell you just ate already, Misturi."

"That's fine! And how did you know?"

"You have a stain on your uniform."

The green and pink haired woman looked down to her uniform. The sight of stains she gotten from eating many bowls of udon and other things in a rush made her eyes widen.

"Aww...this is the only clothes I have on me..."

You sighed as you measured her with your eyes. She's about the same size as you when it comes to clothes, but it may be a bit baggy as you're taller than her. She'll be fine though, as you have some clothes that's a bit too small for you.

"I have some spare clothes you can wear."

Her green eyes lit up at the sound of the curly haired woman offering her some of her clothes.

"Really!? Thank you! You're a life savior!"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, I'll grab us some snacks while you change."

She followed you to your room, you handing her clothes that'll fit her before leaving her to change.

Misturi looked at the clothes in awe. You always had comfy things or pretty things. But this? It was practically made for her! A pink nightgown! It was quite rare to see western clothes, as many say that it looked very odd or over priced. But this was very pretty!

'I wonder where she got this from...'

Without waiting a second, she took off her stained uniform and put on the pink nightgown. It smelt just like the perfume you use. She loved the smell, but it always smelt better when you put it on.

Misturi grabbed her dirty uniform and headed out of your room, looking to find you. The sound of plates being put on the counter and something being poured came from the kitchen and made her smile.

'Now where do I put my clothes at?'

"Okay, so mind telling me why you came here so sudden?"

Y/n spoke as she looked at Misturi. The other woman squirmed in excitement as she stopped eating the mochi on the plate. After swallowing the many mochi she stuffed in her mouth, he sat up again as she spoke.

"Okay... So you know how I've been looking for a husband, right?"

"Mhm." Y/n hummed as she sipped her tea.

"So... Guess who I met at the restaurant?"

"Iguru? Your husband?"

Misturi's face blew up in embarrassment as she moved her hands in many directions.

"Y/n! He's not my husband...Not yet."

"Okay so you met up with your husband at the restaurant. What happened?"

"He's not my husbanddd Y/n!"

"Must I remind you of the three hours conversation me, you, and Shinobu had about you squealing about wanting him to be your husband?"

"......We're not going to talk about that."

"Mhm. So, you two met at the restaurant?"

Misturi's face went from a tomato red, back to her normal color with a slight blush. She picked up another mochi as she talked.

"Mhm! It had to be pure luck as he went there for some food too! So, he decided to book a private room for use and paid for the meal! He didn't shame me for eating a lot or nothing!"

She chuckled as you admired the blushing woman's face. She always look so cute when she gushes about Iguru. It truly made you wish that he would finally ask her to be his. You could just imagine her reaction. A blushing face, tears happiness, and a wave or excitement. Even the hug that'll definitely break your back.

"But yeah! He's so nice and handsome! He's my dream husband!"

"You two are made for each other, given how you get special treatment."

"It's not that different! He's still Iguru, my future husband."

"Yeah. A angel to you and a mad anaconda to us."

You two laugh at the joke as you ate the many snacks on the table. You two talked for a bit more before she started to feel sleepy. It was midnight by the time you two felt tired,so you cleaned up and got a extra futon for her.

You and Rui layed in one while Misturi layed in the other. After a few minutes, soft snores could be heard as the three feel asleep.

A figure walks into the room as he watches the brown-skinned woman with the look of curiosity at her.

"Hm...What a pretty woman Akaza feel for. Very pretty in fact. But what made him fall in love with her exactly?"

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