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Sanemi stared at the shorter woman a little more before he put his attention back on you. Aoi dragged you by your hand to the medical room as you grabbed Sanemi's hand. Sanemi allowed himself to be pulled by you as he smirked at Shinobu, knowing that the shorter woman clearly hates when he was around you, nevertheless touching you.

The man continued to smirk as you pulled him around the corner, not missing Shinobu's fake smile drop while doing so.

"That damn Sanemi..always thinking he could get what he want..I should just poison him already..."

The woman sighed as the followed Sanemi, then purposely bumping into him as she walked passed him and to you. Her fake and cheery smile was once again on her face as spoke to you.

(Reader is 6'4-6'5 and Shinobu is like 4'11, so the height difference will DEFINITELY be there.)

"Y/n! I told you about getting yourself injured!" The woman said as she walked beside you, now on the left and Sanemi on the right. Sanemi rolled his eyes as he looked to the side, not having enough patience to deal with the woman.

"Sorry, sorry. This demon was more tricky than any other demon I ever experienced, so he may landed a few hits on me."

The woman shook her head as a small smile appeared. Her hands placed itself on her hips as she scolded you, like how Aoi would.

"Let me guess, you didn't keep your guard up?"

"Not really. I was a bit tired after walking through a city full of men and slaying a demon."

The woman looked at you with curiosity, just like how Snamei did when he heard about the men in the city.

"What do you mean? Were they touching you?"

"No, no. But they were catcalling and getting mad when I called them out. Guess the city."

"Vurlūne. Without a doubt."

You four entered a medical room and sat on the stools provided in the room as you waited for Aoi to come back. Aoi came back shortly with the medical equipment as she set it down and quickly pulled out a very long needle.

"So, mind telling me where the demon hit you?"


You limped a little as you walked, right leg hurting from the stitch Aoi did to it. It was a medium size, yet it hurt even more stitched than it being bare.

Today, while you were getting your stitches done, Aki flown in from a opened window and announced that Rengoku wished to see you. He wanted to not only see you, but to also introduce you to his younger brother and his father.

You've always wanted to see his little brother, given how Rengoku talked about him when you would eat at a restaurant. You could practically see his younger brother's face through Rengoku.

As always, Rui was in his box, still knocked out cold. You normally would've left him in either Shinobu's estate or yours, but the sudden disappearance of Tengen told you not to. Hell, your brain screamed at you not to. Too dangerous, as Tengen could come back any minute now and snatch Rui.

You continued to walk down the patchy grass as you once gain thought. You couldn't help yourself, as the peaceful silence of the woods always brought your mind to thinking.

Yet, the peaceful atmosphere didn't help from keeping you from thinking about the incident. You still had many questions, yet none were answered.

You wondered how Nezuko known about Tengen's intentions, and how she gotten him to stop.

Did she threaten him?

It could be possible. But how? If the man already had intentions on killing your son, what would stop him from killing Nezuko?

Yet, how did she know in the first place, if neither Tengen or Rui told her?

Could it be..that someone else known about it?

You don't know, and right now it didn't matter, as your feet landed on the gravel ground and into the streets Rengoku patrolled. Fresh bread and treats filled the air with their delicious scent, letting you catch a whiff before the vendor wrapped it up to protect it form bugs.

After buying many treats from vendors, you headed to Rengoku's estate as Aki led you to it.

Arriving at the estate, you could see a small boy sweeping the dirt off the engwa before he looked up to you.

Yep, that's definitely Senjuro.

Senjuro took in your appearance and called out to Rengoku once he recognize you as the woman Rengoku described. With the small boy's permission, you walked on the engwa and opened the door- or well tried as Rengoku immediately slid the door open and greeted you

"Y/n! You're finally here!"

"Yes I am, Rengoku. You clearly can't do justice in describing, as you didn't tell me that your little brother would be this cute!"

Rui immediately woke up.

Hearing shuffling in the box on your back, you moved into the shade and put the box down. Rui immediately went out the box as he looked around for the boy you found 'cute'.

His eyes landed on Senjuro, a more timid and miniature Rengoku.

"Rui- are you jealous?"

"Yes I am. I'm still your favorite, right?"

"I never had favorites, Rui-

"So you don't love me anymore..?"

You sighed as Rengoku chucked at the jealous demon's words.

"She still love you, little one."

"I didn't hear her say it though."

You mentally sighed as you crouched down to Rui's height and kissed his forehead.

"I still love you, Rui."

After doing so, you looked over to Senjuro as you waved. The shy boy waved back as he hid behind Rengoku's large frame. Rengoku only pushed him from behind him and in front of him as he patted the young boys back.

"It's rude to not greet guess, Senjuro."

The young boy avoided eye contact from you as his eyes landed on Rui's, just to look back down after seeing the boy's glare.

As Senjuro introduced himself, you couldn't help but coo at him in your mind, as you just wanted to squeeze him like how Misturi squeez you.

If only Senjuro knew the squeeze of a lifetime he'd get from the woman in front of him.

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