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It wasn't hard selling the 'girls', as they looked cute and have talents....Well...except for Inosuke. His talent was having a pretty face, really. Only problem is Inosuke's gruff voice, but it was easy to say that he had a cold.

Within 30 minutes, they all were sold to 3 houses you and Tengen thought might have the demons.

With a sigh, you dropped Rui from your hold and walked with his hand in yours. His face was hidden with make up, much to his displeasure, but at least he didn't have to be hidden. Tengen walked along side you, his eyes following your every movement.


"Yes, dear?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you are simply beautiful."

"Tengen, what do you want really?"

"Your hand in marriage."

"Tengen we met barely 3 months ago and this is your 149th time of asking me that."

"I know. And how many did my wives send you?"

You looked at Tengen with a look of disbelief; They were sending some? Tegen chuckled at your reaction as you turned to a nearby food stand, him following.

"They're sending letters too!?"

"Oops. Thought you'd get them by now."

"How many are they sending me!?"

"Just expect a pile of letters at your estate."


You sat at the stand, Rui sitting right next to you as he put his head on your shoulder. You looked over to him, just to see his eyelids almost closed. You let him be as you turned your head back to Tengen. You damn near jumped out of your skin and almost waked up Rui.

Tengen's face was close to yours. If you were to turn your head to him fully, you would've accidentally kissed him. He smirked as he leaned back, giving you some space after startling you.

"Tengen! You're too close! Personal space!"

Said man laughed after ordering food,  quickly lowering down his tone after you glared at him while pointing to the sleeping Rui.

"Sorry, sorry. How is he asleep anyways? He's in the red light district out if all places."

You shrug your shoulders as you looked in front of you, eyeing through the open part of window. Tengen hummed as he looked at where you were looking at.

The sound of tiny feet pattering on the ground caught your attention, drawing you from the window onto the ground. There, two mice stood while holding a box.

Tengen took the box as he looked at you, the two mice scurrying away. You looked at the box in confusion as he smirked, sliding the box to you. You examined the box just to poke your head around the box and look at Tengen confusedly. He smirked as he told you to open the door of the wooden box.

Cautiously, you opened the box just to be surprised. The box was spacious and had little spider accessories, including Rui's huge spider plushie.

With a smile, you thanked Tengen as he watched, his heart jumping from excitement and pride. He known that the demon boy liked spiders as he quite literally is related to spiders, so he added it to the decorated box just for him.

Even though Tengen didn't like Rui as he constantly blocked him from you, but seeing you so amazed and happy for Rui's new box, he'll tolerate it now.

You whispered into Rui's ear as he slowly gotten up. As he rose back into conscious, he looked at you confused.

"Why did you wake me up? Is there something wrong? Is Tengen being a creep again?"

"No, no. Just look at the box."

He did what he was told and looked even more confused. There was a wooden box next to you. Why did you wake him up? Yeah, it's a wooden box. What's important about it?

You seen Rui's confusion and told him what is was. Rui sat there as he admired the box. He the opened the box and honestly expected to see some weird thing, but he only seen things like spiders and webs.

He smiled, his sharp canine teeth being shown as he tested it out. He moved from your side and into the box, liking the spacious box similar to Nezuko's, if not then the same box.

The box was painted a grey in the inside with a tree on the left side, where the fake spider webs and plastic spiders seem to come from. He closed the door to test if any light would come in, and nothing did.

He poked his head out, his smile still evident, as he asked who made it. You pointed at Tengen as said man looked at Rui. Rui looked back at Tengen in disbelief, knowing what his true intentions were.

'He's trying to bribe me so I'll let him marry mom. Does he really take me for a fool?'

Rui scowled as he looked at Tengen, making sure you were facing a different direction while doing so. Tengen eyes left your form and looked at the small boy, smirking as his eyes narrowed.

Tegen leaned down to Rui's height, nearing his ear and talking low to make sure you couldn't hear.

"You're lucky I even thought about you. I couldn't give any fucks about you, Rui. I actually want to kill you, but that'll make Y/n sad. So, I'm giving this box to you so she'll have a happy memory of you before I finally slice that stupid head off of your neck."

Rui's eyes widen at Tengen's threat. You couldn't see, as the back of Rui's head faced you. You couldn't hear either given how Tengen whispered lowly enough that you couldn't hear, but Rui can.

Tengen spoke again, whispering lowly into Rui's ear after flashing you a smile.

"Don't even think about telling Y/n. Do so and I'll kill you right here right now. I'll give you a little bit more time, this mission, before I'll kill you and take what belongs to me. Use your time wisely."

With that, Tengen moved away as he patted Rui's shoulder. You looked at te two with interest, wondering what they spoke about.

"What did you say, Tengen?"

"Nothing much. Just how to make sure you're safe at all times, from all harm in whatever form."


Hello readersssss

I spoil you guys too much, but I MIGHT post another chapter today IF  I get motivation or 10 comments on this chapters.

And yes, I will still post another chapter tomorrow.


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