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Nancy has killed Kristen, Alice and Tina in the same way they have killed her each time. Nancy and Amanda are struggling with each other in the kitchen.

Why are you doing this?

You always had it coming I've just been waiting for the right time.

This isn't you Nancy.

Nancy spins Amanda around, Amanda's back facing the table. Nancy let's go of Amanda, kicking her. Amanda gets pushed towards the table.

Amanda hits her back against the table. Amanda falls to her knees. Nancy walks up to Amanda, picking her up, slamming her against the table.

Nancy starts choking Amanda. Amanda struggles, trying to get Nancy's hands off of her neck. Amanda puts her right hand on Nancy's face, pushing it away from her, hurting Nancy's neck.

Nancy removes her hands from Amanda's neck. Nancy backs up a little. Amanda falls to her knees coughing, holding her throat with her right hand and holding herself up with her left hand and knees.

Nancy grabs Amanda, throws Amanda against the lower counter cabinet's. Amanda starts reaching for a drawer that has extra knifes in it. Nancy quickly kicks Amanda two times in the face.

Amanda keeps reaching for the drawer. Nancy starts banging Amanda's head against the counter as Amanda gets a hold of the drawer handle.

Amanda quickly pulls the drawer open, hitting Nancy in the face with the drawer. Knifes forks spoons lots of kitchen stuff falls out the drawer landing on the ground.

Nancy let's go of Amanda, falling to the floor. Amanda starts to catch her breath. Nancy gets up from the ground and sees Amanda isn't moving but still breathing.

Nancy turns around walks into the living room where Tina's body is laying face down on the floor with an ax stuck in her back.

Nancy walks up to Tina's body. Nancy looks at Tina's body for a few seconds then pans her head to her left, looking at Amanda in the kitchen.

Nancy pans her head back, looking at Tina's body. Nancy puts her right foot on Tina's lower back where the ax is not impelled. Nancy grabs the ax handle with both hands and pulls the ax out of Tina's back.

Amanda grabs a knife that is close to her while Nancy pulls the ax out of Tina's back.

Nancy faces Amanda, holding the ax across her body with both hands on the handle. Nancy walks into the kitchen, walking up to Amanda. Nancy looks down at Amanda.

Time to be with dad.

Nancy swings the ax down, stabbing Amanda in the stomach. Nancy pulls the ax out of Amanda's stomach, holding the ax up.

Nancy swings the ax again, stabbing Amanda in the stomach a second time, cutting her stomach more open and pushing the ax blade deeper in Amanda's stomach.

Nancy knees down in front of Amanda, still holding the ax with her right hand.

That look in your eyes I love seeing the look of death in something's eyes. The look of knowing their dying.

I'll tell daddy... I stopped our mistake...

Amanda quickly leans her body forward, pushing the ax deeper in to her stomach. Amanda quickly slashes Nancy across the throat with the knife.

Nancy starts bleeding a lot from her neck being sliced open. Nancy let's go of the ax, backing up stumbling at the same time. Nancy puts her right hand over her throat trying to stop the bleeding.

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