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Nancy steps out of her bed walking towards her restroom. Nancy walks into her restroom. Nancy turns on the light. Nancy looks at herself in the mirror.

Nancy takes another breath, then Nancy turns the sink of water on. Nancy cuffs her hands under the faucet getting a pool of water in her hands.

Nancy slams the water against her face, Nancy washes her face by splashing 2 cuffs of water on her face. Nancy grabs the small towel on the wall to her left.

Nancy turns off the sink. Nancy grabs the small towel with her left hand off the towel rack. Nancy wipes her face dry. Nancy slides the towel down her face.

Once the towel is off her face Nancy opens her eyes. Nancy looks into the mirror and doesn't see anything. Nancy sighs.

Nancy puts the towel back on the rack, turns around walks out of the restroom, turning off the light at the same time.


Nancy is in the kitchen making some coffee. Nancy is sitting at the table with a sketch book drawing the demon face she saw.

As Nancy is finishing up the drawing of the demon text ringer goes off on her phone. Nancy stops drawing, staying still for a few seconds.

Nancy sets the sketchbook on the table along with setting the pencil on top of the paper. Nancy tapes on the screen with her pointer finger, the screen turns on showing Lock Screen.

Nancy looks at her phone, seeing a text message from Tina. Nancy gets a lil spooked. Nancy doesn't touch the phone letting the screen turn off.

A few seconds go by then another text message shows up with the screen turning on. Nancy looks at her phone seeing the second text is also from Tina.

Nancy slowly picks up her phone with her right hand. Nancy looks at her phone, holding it in in her right hand. Nancy unlocks her phone using Face ID.

Nancy goes in to the message app. Nancy taps on Tina's contact. The messages open, Nancy sees the two new messages the first saying MESSAGE-How is being the only one? MESSAGE-You can't forget the darkness you left.

As Nancy is looking at the messages Tina is standing in the living room looking at Nancy sitting at the table looking at her phone.

Nancy stairs at the messages not moving not blinking. A few seconds go by then Tina brings her head very close to Nancy's right ear.

( creepy whispering )
You can't escape your mind.

Nancy gets freaked out leaning to the left, falling out of the chair, Nancy falls on the ground. her phone drops on the ground face down.

Nancy rolls over now sitting on the ground. Nancy is looking forward in to the living room. Nancy doesn't see anything or anyone in the living room.

Nancy takes some heavy breath's. Nancy's phone goes off a third time. Nancy reaches for her phone, grabbing it with her right hand really quick.

Nancy holds the phone up to her face, the phone screen turns on unlocking at the same time. Nancy tapes on the message. The message opens. A third message from Tina says MESSAGE-Look what you did.

Nancy waits a few seconds a picture shows up. A picture of the living room area that Nancy can see from the kitchen. The picture doesn't show anything going on it or anyone at all.

Nancy slowly brings her phone down. Nancy sees in to the living room. Nancy sees Tina's body laying face down on the ground in a pool of blood. Nancy hears the loud sounds of yelling screaming and the sounds of gashing and blood.

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