Chapter 29 - Time For Murder

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"Do you seriously think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?" I smirk as I slide a concealed knife out of my sleeve- Gwen's sweatshirt sleeve, "Is that really all you got?"

"No but who would have guessed we'd be here already?" Bells's scratchy voice echos in my ears," I was thinking that I could kill you and bing bang boom- I win."

"You wish, bitch." 

She hisses and lashes out at me again, her claws striking the knife blade, "Cut the act already Addams. Gwen is dead and dying, she won't make it past midnight."

"I'm finding it harder and harder to keep my patience." I spin the blade in my hand, "You really should get it through that thick skull of yours that Gwen will survive and that she is mine. Move on."

"Do I look like I've moved on?" Bella's tail comes flashing out at me again and I slice at it, barely cutting through the tough, leathery skin. 

"Listen here, Addams. I don't like you so I'm going to kill you here and now. Take another stab, step, or swipe and your skull will become fractured within seconds."

"Ha! As if you could kill me. When are you going to realize I don't care? When you love someone, you don't stop doing whatever you can to save them." I twirl the knife in my hands, pointing it at the dark outline of Bella against the wall.

"And what are you even going to do if you somehow manage to kill me? Live with Gwen happily ever after?" She makes a scoffing sound.

I grin, moving an unnoticeable inch or two toward Bella, "Happily ever after? Please. I'm an Addams, nothing is happy." 


She noticed my movement. 

"You have chosen a harsh death, Addams." She flicks her tail out, whacking me squarely in the stomach, causing me to exhale a large breath.

"" I'm clutching my stomach, tasting the slight blood that I procured by biting my tongue. 

Her scratchy laughter resonates around the room as she advances, making me take a few stumbling steps back, "Addams... I can't wait to see what picture they use in the obituary section of the papers."

"You wish." 

Her claws extend towards me, clipping my cheek before I slice at the soft bottom of her talons. A large gash outlined by dark red blood appears. 

She hisses sharply and draws her talons away and from what I can see of her eyes, they narrow. "So we're playing dirty, huh?"

"You never stated any rules." The warm blood trickles down my cheek and off my chin.

"You have humor, Addams. Never expected that." 

I dash forward with a burst of speed and stick the knife into Bella's hide, "You don't expect much."

She whimpers in pain and collapse to the ground from the unexpected force of my blow. 

I step forward, grabbing the knife and twisting it- exactly how I killed Tyler just a day ago. Only a day ago...

A guttural scream escapes from the open mouthed monster who is slowly reverting back to its original form, a teenage girl. She's wearing the scraps of jeans and a flannel, her dirty blonde hair falling in tangled waves. 

The blood rushes out of her side steadily, wave after wave of dark red spilling out onto the ground. 

"...Be," I hesitate, my brain a jumble of words for her to hear, " peace, Bella."

Her eyes flutter shut and I slide the knife out of her side, wiping it on the tattered remains of her jeans. 


"Wednesday! Where'd all this blood come from? What did you do?" Enid's voice is panicked as I place down three liters of blood by Gwen's bedside.

"I did what was needed." My voice sounds off within my own ears, muffled and sharp. 

Her eyes widen in realization, "You didn't."

"Where's the doctor?" 

"Here... Oh my!" He steps through the door and glances at the blood bags on the floor, "Where'd you get this?"

"A... friend supplied it." I shift my weight, pulling the sleeves of Gwen's sweatshirt over my fingers.

"And this is A negative right?" Dr. Dadrius doesn't seem relived with my answer- a small head nod- but he picks up a bag and connects it where the IV used to be, "Hopefully this will help her. But we must wish for the best." He scampers out of the room, leaving Enid and I in silence. 

"Did you kill Bella?" 



"To save Gwen."

"Thing was worried."

"I'll tell him sorry later."

"I was worried, Wednesday." Enid averts her gaze from Gwen to me, "I didn't know where you were going and that scared the shit out of me. What if you died? No one would have found you."

"What if Gwen had died? What if Gwen dies?" My tone is harsh as I spare a quick glance to the werewolf, "That's what fucking scares me, Enid. I don't know what this feeling is and I don't know how to control it but all I want right now is to have Gwen by my side, one of her crooked grins on her face as she places her arm over my shoulder. I want a normal life, Enid. I want to be free, to live without impending death around each corner, to become an author while I move into an apartment with Gwen, to get a pet with her, to kiss her soft lips." 

Enid grabs my wrist, causing me to look at her as she speaks, "I understand Wednesday. She'll be fine- you saw how fast she recovered after Tyler's first attack. But you need to take a shower first, you smell liked dried blood."

I gulp and turn towards the door, "Fine. I'll be back soon." 


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