Chapter 30 - Ironically Alive

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I woke up as soon as Gwen let go of me.

Sure, I was awoken slightly when Gwen jostled me as she moved my from her shoulders to her chest- but I simply clung onto her tighter as she put me in a more comfortable position.

When Ajax grabbed me from Gwen, I feigned sleep, staying rigid and alert as we moved further and further away from Gwen.

Enid sighs, "Do you think she likes her?"

"I think Gwen likes Wednesday if that's what you mean." Bianca's voice resonates near me, "Wait, do you like Wednesday? Or do you like Gwen?"

Silence from Enid, a sinker from Bianca, and Ajax shifts me from side to side. I shove off of Ajax, landing on my feet a foot or two in front of the trio.

"What in the actual fuck, Wednesday?" Enid burst out, stopping in her tracks.

"We need to go back and get Gwen." I shove past Bianca and Ajax, beginning to walk back to the small clearing we left her in, "I'll go alone if you're too scared to come with."

"I'll come." Enid hurries to my side, followed by Ajax and Bianca.

I push through the undergrowth, moving faster as we get closer to Gwen, not caring if anyone hears us- this time I want to be heard.

"Guys, I told you to go back to school." Gwen huffs in annoyance as she sees us, tossing the rock she was holding into the brush.

"Wednesday here wanted to be the backup that you requested us to send you. So we followed her in case anything else bad was going to happen." Bianca rolls her eyes, giving me a sharp glance as she explains the situation to Gwen.

"Yeah." Enid pipes up, her eyes sparkling slightly in the light surrounding the clearing, " Where'd the monster go?"

The trio stares at Gwen and I pull her aside, taking her higher up the trail, I release my hold on Gwen's wrist, realizing that contact won't be necessary now that we're away from Enid, Ajax, and Bianca, "Let's just get back to school. Gwen, I don't want you getting hurt. Alright?"

Gwen nods before dropping her head down and studying the patches of grass on the trail.

Fuck it. I step closer to Gwen, lifting her head up, my fingers under her chin, "Look at me, Gwen."

Gwen seems startled, locking her gaze with mine.

"Show me the photos." Unconsciously, my tone softens somewhat.

Gwen pulls out her phone, clicking on her texts with Enid. I snatch the phone and scamper up the path, a feeling of giddiness washing over me.

I take a look at the photos Enid sent, a ghost of a smile traveling over my lips. I type back a quick response and look up as Gwen shouts at me, "Wednesday! Give that back now!"

"Come and get it." I taunt, walking higher up the path.

She scampers after me, her momentum too much as she bowls into me.

Gwen lands on top of me, her nose so close to mine, our warm breath intermingling. She freezes up, her gaze moving from mine down to my... lips?

Okay then. I flip us over, sitting on her stomach as I press my palms against Gwen's shoulders, "You're so heavy, Gwen."

Gwen smirks, "Nah, you're just weak."

I punch her in the arm, misjudging my balance and fall down onto Gwen- my lips pressed against hers.

"Wednesday... Wednesday..."

"Wednesday!" Enid's voice slowly snaps me out of my dreams, along with her shaking my shoulders, "Wednesday, it's Gwen. I think she's waking up."

I look at a fuzzy Enid with my half closed eyes, trying to get the grogginess out of my brain, "What?"

"Gwen's awake!"

"Huh?!" I sit up in bed, my arms dropping to my side, "When? How?"

"About thirty minutes ago your mom, she's still here by the way, told me that Gwen's fingers were twitching." Enid looks at me with hopeful eyes.

I scramble out of bed, pulling on a large black sweater with the words Blink-182 scrawled across the front. Another one I have stolen from Gwen's closet in the time she's been in the infirmary.

She won't care about that. I don't think so, at least.

I finish getting changed and I hurriedly pull on socks, not wanting to get a splinter on the hardwood floors.

Enid stands outside the door, her arms crossed on her chest, waiting for me.

I grab her hand and half pull - half lead her to the infirmary, "Hurry up, Enid."

The werewolf rolls her eyes at my eagerness but does her best to catch up with me.

I slide to a stop in front of Gwen's infirmary door, slipping slightly because of the socks.

I knock, three times, biting the inside of my cheek.

Mother opens the door within a matter of seconds and upon spotting me, steps aside with Enid.

There. There Gwen lays. Her head is propped up by three pillows, an IV still running blood into her arm. Her eyes open halfway, hearing the door opening.

I move to her side, "Gwen?"

"H.. hey... Addams." Her voice is dry and weak.

I grab her a bottle of water and sit precariously on the edge of the bed, my gaze scanning Gwen.

Mother leaves the room with a small smile, Enid follows in turn with a slight smirk.

I lean forward and take Gwen's chin in my hands lightly, opening her jaw slightly to drink water out of a straw. I brush strands of hair off Gwen's face, cupping her cheek. "You half scared me to death. Do you ever almost die again."

Gwen nods weakly, taking small sips of the water.

My tone softens considerably, "Please, don't ever try to die. I need you." I place the water back on the nightstand and brush my thumb over Gwen's lower lip, "Promise me."

"I promise..."

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