Where will this go for us?

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Nicky and Maritza ran like there was no tomorrow, as Peterson kept chasing them they dodged ducked slipped and slide like nothing while Peterson was a bruised and worn out. The two were becoming more fit and agile than ever and Mr. Peterson was falling behind. Nicky's stamina was wearing out his fugitive rival as Maritza's strength cut through the traps and furniture blocking any rooms. All of this was only a nuisance for the suspicious neighbor and he realized that he would have to up his defenses and that alone made his blood boil. The thought of having to purchase more materials and going to the abandoned Golden Apple amusement park and stripe the rides and booths of its parts and scraps for his own home was a burden so much for him to bare. Those people did it. They really applied pressure onto him and now he was dead set on turning his home into a fortress. But before he could do any of that, he still had to deal with the issue of capturing the intruders and of course we already know the results to that. 

Mr. Peterson: "Of all the...wheeze...what...*puff...are these kids on...wheeze?"

The two clue seekers safely and easily managed to escape the Peterson premises and spun each other around in excitement. The excitement and overstimulated energy was flowing in their bodies. Getting chased by the fugitive Theo Peterson was becoming an exercise for them.

Nicky: "I had no idea you could go that fast. Seriously, you're getting faster by the days."

Maritza: "Well it was years of practice. And staying on the sidelines."

Nicky understood where she was coming from with that comment.

Nicky: "Look, if it's any consolation, I'll try to find a more suitable time for not just us, but our friends."

Maritza gave him a pat on the head while she was chuckling a bit.

Maritza: "I think that would be rad."

The two neighbors then went for a little stroll just to discuss what they have just discovered in Peterson's home. There was laughter and serious topics and satisfactory all around.

Nicky: "I never thought things would ever escalate that further. We're getting stronger by the days and we are that close on figuring out Mr. Peterson's secret."

Maritza: "I know right, and as crazy as this sounds I'm actually going to miss these adventures."

Maritza was suddenly struck by what she just said.

Maritza: "I'm actually going to miss these adventures."

The girl turned to her ally Nicky and gave him a very concerning question.

Maritza: "Hey, Nicky. When we finally expose Mr. Peterson, where do you think this will go for us? I mean, he will end up in jail and whatever is stuck in that basement will be free. Where will this go for us?"

Just from hearing those words, the lad's mind had tons of thoughts flowing around him. He would be free knowing. So in reality, this would only be the beginning. Nicky took a deep breath and gave his answer.

Nicky: "I...I don't know. Raven Brooks has certain things going on and I honestly, the thought that Mr. Peterson's mystery will not be the focus anymore raises more questions. On top of that, I have heard rumors about this strange person in a crow costume lurking around in the streets is slowly becoming a thing. I honestly don't know where life is going to lead for us."

Seeing the concern and confusion on the lad's mind, Maritza held Nicky's hand and gave him an assuring look. She knew her friend was an ambitious one. All the times he's gathered evidence and showed awareness in the neighborhood while a majority of people turn a blind eye to the whole thing. Awareness is one of the many foundations to survival and the level of awareness Nicky, Maritza, and their friends have shown while the citizens and neighbor just brush these strange activities off speaks loud volumes. 

Maritza: "Just remember, you have me and our friends to help you."

Nicky felt a massive amount of support from Maritza. In his heart he knew he had someone who knew him well, while in Maritza's heart, she loved every moment she spent with her ally. Her partner. After the darkest night, there is a bright day ahead.

Nicky Roth x Maritza EspositoWhere stories live. Discover now