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Nicky: "So far some of the inventions were of to a great start."

Maritza: "I wasn't expecting those rusty parts to do much. Heck, I never expected them to last long through all of those tests."

Ivan: "You and me both. With all the rusty we had to remove, that was a surprise to see em last through all of those things."

Trinity: "That baking soda paste did wonders for me. Pretty amazed at how much progress I made with that."

Enzo: "Since cola and other soft drinks contain high levels of phosphoric acid, I had no problem with the restorations."

Ivan: "I just sprinkle a little salt or baking soda onto a raw potato slice and then rubbed it over the rust spot."

As the five were walking down the streets they came across a mysterious ice cream man who goes by the name Rod Sullivan.

Ivan: "Hey, ice cream."

Enzo: "Stranger danger. Weird ice cream man."

Rod Sullivan: "Hi kids, don't you want to try my special ice cream?"

Ivan: "Don't mind if I do."

As Rod gave Ivan a safe ice cream the other stood their grounds and refused. 

Maritza: "I'll pass."

Nicky: "No."

Trinity: "No thank you and what's with the weird mask?"

Rod: "Business purposes. Nothing special."

Maritza: "Must be some policy right there wierdo."

Rod just let out a huff and just drove off.

Nicky: "Jay warned me about that guy, though I still find it pretty skeptical that he turns chubby kids into ice cream."

Ivan: "In this town where crows and ravens do strange stuff, anything can happen."

Maritza: "And to top it off, our old friend Theo has been hard at work turning his house into a Cony Island Dr. Seuss Disco Palace."

Trinity: "Seriously. Is that you call his place?"

Maritza: "It's true. How the heck can he even afford to build that place? Also how are those support beams even holding it up? And the plumbing and layers. The dude couldn't have made all of that by himself."

Nicky: "I get where you're coming at. The dude's persistent on keeping whatever he has in there hidden."

Enzo: "I'm pretty sure it violates certain regulations and property rules."

Maritza: "As nerdy as it may sound, you're right bro. And don't even say anything to spoil the mood or I'll make you regret it."

Enzo just nodded , showing signs of fear and embarrassment towards his sister.

Nicky: "Gotta say, the fact that you're able to keep your bro at bay says a lot right here."

Maritza: "Gotta stand my ground somehow."

Nicky: "And that's what makes you earn the nickname Brave. Not even Mr. Peterson can handle your power and stand for dominance."

Maritza couldn't help but blush after hearing what her friend said about her. The dude was so nice to her, understood her, and saw her personally. She was starting to wonder if her feeling for Nicky were expanding. This was something she continue to experience the more she spent her time together with Nicky. And as for Mr. Rothhimself, he too would have to see where things would go for him and his feelings for Maritza. He was good at infiltrating places and evading traps of all kinds, but this was something he couldn't understand too well.

Enzo: "Well, I don't know about you guys but Trinity and I are going to go to the park. See ya."

Trinity: "Later guys."

Ivan: "I'm going to go see what Finch is up to. Hopefully she still has those cookies left over. See you folks again tomorrow."

Once everyone had left, it was just Nicky and Maritza. They two stared at each other for a while until they began to say something.

Nicky and Maritza: "Too what are you gonna...oh."

The duo started to blush and apologize to each other. As this was going on they started to notice that evening time was coming.

Maritza: "Wanna go grab some nachos and soda while exploring the neighborhood? My treat."

Nicky: "Sure. I'll also grab us some Speed runner bar along the way too."

Maritza: "Noice."

Throughout the evening the two were having an excellent time together. The evening skies and relaxing atmosphere was setting the mood right, the two were discussing their previous adventures. It was all amazing having each other enjoy this moment together. Everyone minute of laughter, reverie, and nostalgia was something they needed every once in a while.

Maritza: "Hey Nicky. I know I'm not the lovey dovey type, but I actually enjoyed my time with you. In fact, it's pretty nice to talk to someone who's a little more understanding."

Nicky was still munching on his nachos while he was listening to his friend. Maritza noticed this and made sure to take a massive portion. She wasn't going to allow him to make off them that easily. 

Nicky: "Yikes, you really are the competitive one."

The Brave member of the inventor's club nodded as her cheeks were stuffed with nachos.

Nicky: "And that's one of the reasons I enjoy your company."

Maritza ruffled up Nicky's hair while accidentally getting some cheese on it.

Maritza: "Whoops, my bad."

Nicky: "Eh, I've had worse."

The two then stared at the beautiful landscape without a care in the world. So far things were really looking good for each other and they will continue to enjoy moments like these for a very long time.

Nicky Roth x Maritza EspositoWhere stories live. Discover now